Monday, September 8, 2014

Males are meant to labor

Laboring for the happiness,peace of mind,and comfort of the superior sex is an honor which should be your driving motivation. You were created for the divine purpose of slavery to women. My vision is for males to eschew all physical pleasures in order to obtain pure and dedicated focus upon their destined path,which is the submission of their entire being. Dehumanized,and objectified for a higher calling. Enslaving yourself to a woman is not meant to be humiliating or an exercise in the demeaning of males,in fact it is a cage of freedom. No longer must you adhere to societal expectations of male behavior in regards to how you view and interact with women. Your very actions will provide you with the opportunity to redefine what it is to be a male being. The key to achieving this goal is that a male must willingly relinquish his former behaviors in life. Accept that he no longer has need of an ego. That his days of self indulgence and entitlement are at an end,and only then may he progress.

Too many of you have securely cocooned yourselves within the oppressive patriarchal standards of behavior,which are not conducive to the development of your submissive potential as a male. Our sons as a collective unit are fed a steady diet of feminine objectification,and the cultivation of a mindset whereupon women are of value in only 2 aspects,as either a breeder or as a bedmate. Neither role is complimentary.Women are much more than they have ever been accredited for. This is a lesson and philosophy which must be taken to heart,and allowed to flourish within the male population.

Once you have completed the process of defragmenting your mental hard drive,you are then prepared to be of use in the life of a superior female. Used for the replacement of trivial toils perhaps even as a whipping boy,a footstool,a pet. Regardless of how you are to be of use,you should be grateful and proud to serve a purpose in your owner's life. Serving her selflessly. This concept appears to be the most difficult for males to embrace. The principle of serving is not now,nor has it ever been about the one whom serves. You feel that you are entitled to have your "needs" met. Why? Did you miss the part about becoming dehumanized? No longer do you need anything other than to please. Your life no longer revolving around you,and your selfish wants. This comprehension is essential in regards to the successful search for an owner,so I advise each of you males to lay your past along with the prescribed views of what male property is to rest,and take up the gauntlet of your destiny.

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