Thursday, October 13, 2016

No acceptable reason not to TRIBUTE

What your sacrifice (TRIBUTE) says about you. Your sacrifice conveys that you care about my wants, my needs, my comfort, my ease. It signifies that my happiness is a priority within your life. It speaks highly in regard to your dedication, and devotion to me, your Superior. It displays your desire to be a part of my life, howbeit ever so insignificant. It speaks of your ability to provide sans ulterior motivation, for you know full well that to sacrifice (to TRIBUTE) is a gift without strings or expectations of reward, other than being of use to a Dominant Female. Sacrificing your finances for the enrichment of a Woman's life should be the pinnacle peak of a beta's endeavors. It is a truly selfless action when done correctly.

To not or a refusal to sacrifice (TRIBUTE) can only be seen as a selfish action regardless of how one attempts to excuse the behavior with faux explanations of how it demeans a D's relationship. It boils down to one simple is more concerned with their own self, than with providing service. Findom in no way detracts from a D's relationship. In fact it enhances it immensely, so to relay that you desire above all things to please and serve, yet refuse to provide, equates with you being self-centered, and driven only to bring to fruition your own desires, which is an undesirably selfish motivation towards service.

Sacrificing for and Tributing a Woman is an honor, not a punishment that should be viewed with disdain or distaste. It should bring happiness to your heart when you are able to do so. You should do so with pride that you are of use, and being of use brings purpose to a beta's life.

There is absolutely positively no acceptable reason not to sacrifice (TRIBUTE) if you are in fact a submissive male as so many of you claim to be, so swallow any excuses trying to get past your lips, and open that wallet wide for Superior Women!

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