Tuesday, April 25, 2017

FinDom Sacrifice

I realize that I speak, post, and tweet a ton about sacrifice. Why is that though? Could it be that many of you simply do not get it?

The meaning of sacrifice to me is more than a sexy trigger word. It is real, it is tangible. Can you honestly state that you know what sacrifice is, and that you intend to engage in it? I do not believe that you can.

Sacrifice is not about offering up your flesh for the crop, or shoving a carrot up your backside. Those are activities that you want to engage in, therefore they are NOT a sacrifice. That is not you doing for me. That is you doing for you. Do you see that?

Sacrifice has meaning, and offers consequences which extend beyond online. It touches your life even after you log off, and get up to stretch your legs. It affects your psyche. It alters your outlook on the hierarchy of what matters most in your life.

If sacrifice has no meaning, than it means nothing. When I relay to males that I will accept nothing less than willing sacrifice, I mean it. I want what they do for me to remain in their minds, and to color their future actions. I want them to realize that they have been living a life of selfishness, which is detrimental to their growth as a submissive. You cannot be a submissive worthy of kneeling at a woman's feet if you are not willing to sacrifice for her.

Sacrifice is why I consider FinDom the most profound fetish which I engage in. Sacrificing financially has far reaching consequences. It affects your daily life. It forces you to recognize that your material wants are negligent in the face of my wants. It brings to light the true meaning of serving an agenda outside of your own. Sacrificial tribute is a reflection of your intent to sacrifice outside of selfish desires.

To me, FinDom is a mirror for submissives. It reflects either an ugly self-gratification seeking soul, or one that truly burns with the goodness to give and sacrifice for something greater than themselves.

So the next time you see or hear me saying "Sacrifice for Sydney", you will know exactly what I mean by it.

Visit the Sanctuary of Mz Sydney

Monday, April 3, 2017

Submission begins in the soul

This is the exact type of submission which my dominance commands. I preach to you gents all of the time about what submission means,and most times I realize that I am standing before the pulpit in front of empty pews, although this does not deter me from speaking my piece.

I have no idea when it began, nor when it shall end, but end it must, for submission based upon the dick is no submission at all. You gents are jumping inbox to inbox (dick in hand) looking for your jerk off fix, and it is outright offensive for you to declare that as submissive behavior when it is the furthest thing from it.

Submission has nothing to do with you getting off. FemDom has nothing to do with you getting off, and the purchase or watching of FemDom porn does not equate to submission. FinDom has nothing to do with you getting off either.

Submission should be pleasurable yes, but not contained to a physical response. Of course it is exciting and sensual to offer your service to a dominant female, but the focus of submission is not you. Submission is when you selflessly put aside all of those selfish driven desires, and embrace the wants of another.

If the only time that you submit is when your dick is hard, than you are truly depriving yourself of a life enriching experience. Submission can possibly be the most fulfilling action of your life. Submission can alter your life beyond your imagination, and a thing of beauty if your motivations are pure. Don't you want to be a part of something wonderful, or would you rather that your life continue along the same monotonous path as it is now? You decide.

It takes courage to bow, and bravery to remain kneeling. Are you a coward hiding in the corner spuming on the floor, or are you a male who is tired of following the patriarchal mindset of dehumanizing women to the point that all they are good for is getting your dick off? Submission is not for those looking for a quickie dick fix. It is a noble choice reserved for the few males who are capable of refocusing their priorities from self to selfless. Is this you? You decide.

In the end, the power lays in your hands. You decide whether you will evolve into a male worthy of serving a woman, or just another selfish, self-absorbed, entitled asshole in a sea of shitheads.