Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Come home

Submitting yourself is like coming home. A familiar happiness which permeates your being. The one place where you are free to release all of your worldly concerns,whilst in the presence of the entity whom knows what it is that you genuinely need. There is no judgement,no verdicts of being an absolute freak of nature because of the activities which make you feel safe and sane. At last you are able to let down your guard,and relax into the release of your physical and emotional self into the care of your chosen owner.

Submission is not a game,nor a recreational pastime. It is,was,and always will be who you are at the core of your existence. Tend it,treat it well,and it will evolve into your very reason for living. Service to superior women becomes an ingrained habit as you apply it to every aspect of your life. This is who you are. Never disgrace the honored moniker by playing at being submissive,all the while harboring selfish machinations.

The path may be rocky,and the journey long,but the payoff for your persistence is priceless. The riches of your efforts are not materially measured,rather they are soul satisfying. Your reward being that you will possess the knowledge of having fulfilled your purpose in life.


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