Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A Paradox of Submission

Greetings and good morning to all who enter with the intent of knowing Goddess Sydney Claire

Today I want to delve into a paradox of submission, and how it effects the lives of submissive males. As I sat scrolling through my TL last night, a pervasive thought would not depart. A thought that was cemented into a need to share my words with you dear readers.

Have you ever submitted yourself to a woman? Do you know what it feels like to be stripped bare mentally, emotionally, as well as physically before a woman? Of course some of you are going to jump up and say "hell ya I been undressed with a woman before". I do not doubt that you have, but have you ever been truly naked before a woman? Have you ever allowed yourself to actually be vulnerable before a woman? Have you been on your knees with no pretense between the two of you? No ego rearing it's huge head. No imposed societal rules shackling you. If you have, than I want to hear from you. 

To be bared before the eyes of a woman is much more than a physicality. It is a sharing of the essential self. A reflection of the you which no longer hides behind the skin of society. 

It evokes a feeling of extreme excitement to bow in submission to a woman. It is the absolute highest of highs. It is the roller coaster that never stops. There will be highs, and there will be lows, but it will always grip you by the ball hair and take you for a ride. The question you must put to yourself is, are you really ready to belt in?

Submission is beautiful. Submission is breath taking. Submission is bottled seduction. It is glorious, yet it can possess a downside if you are not mentally healthy when you engage.

Here comes the paradox. Excitement vs Shame. You have tugged up your big boy knickers, and dove in. You have twisted, turned, and rode that bull like it was your bitch, but now you have crossed that finish line, and the adrenaline high has dissipated. Now brace yourself, cause here comes the shame. Shame for yourself. You cannot believe the things you have done for a woman. No person you know would ever say that what you have done is acceptable or appropriate. Shame, shame upon you. What a perverse creature you became in a woman's presence, under her command. You allowed yourself to act in ways that you had only ever fantasized about previously.

Can you come to grips with what you have done? Can you find peace in the fact that you enjoyed it, that you sought it out, and finally, that you would sell your very soul to have it once again? This is the you that hid so very well. He is there, he has always been there, and he will always be there even if you deny him. This is truth. You, and you alone must come to terms with your truth. You want, you need, you must have in order to be completely happy. 

I am here to tell you that it is ok to be submissive to a woman. It is ok to want that which others deem depraved, and definitely a blow to defined masculinity. Being submissive does not make you a bad person in need of exile from "polite" society. Being submissive is a facet of your humanity. Embrace it and be whole. You are not alone. Take solace in the fact that thousands of men are just like you. They are you. 

Chew on this a moment :)

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Mission, Purpose, Reasoned Existence

Welcome new and old followers alike

This very week, I decided to take my blog private. Why? Well quite honestly I simply tired of sharing my words of wisdom and submissive training with those that had not invested in me and my domination. People will always fail to appreciate that which is given freely, and submissive males are no exception to the rule. 

So for those of you who are left, let us begin in earnest shall we?

You are a man without a mission, purpose, or reason for existence. I as your divine deity, Goddess Sydney Claire am here to provide those things for you. Your mission is my happiness. Your purpose is to serve me, and serving me brings meaning to your existence. You have a calling, and a destiny which will not be denied. 

I understand your trepidation. Walking a foreign path is fraught with possible pitfalls and fright, but fear not my pet, for I am with you. I am here to lead you, to guide you in your journey towards becoming the very best submissive in service to me. You are mine to mold. I will burn you down to the base, and then undertake the task of building you back up til you resemble the submissive I seen within you. You will be stronger, you will be devoted, you will be diligent, and you will be a better human being.

I want you to begin with a simple morning mantra. 

Goddess Sydney Claire provides purpose, passion, and meaning for my existence.

Start today, and repeat it 3 times a day. Recite it every day til it is branded upon your lips. Know it, believe it, and live up to it. 

We both know that your desire is to submit yourself to me fully, else you would not be reading my words this very moment. You are bursting with excitement at the possibility of finally finding your longterm Goddess. Your heart and flesh are ready to commit, and commence. Goddess is ready and awaits your worship.

Tribute is your sacred act of worship. You will come to embrace sacrifice for Sydney Claire, for nothing and no one else matters. Others are an unwanted distraction. They separate you from your purpose, and that cannot be tolerated. You have no need, but that of Sydney Claire. I am more precious than the very air you breathe. Your eyes should always be set upon the way to pleasing me. Anything else would be sacrilegious. 

Are you ready pet? I am. Come now and abase yourself before me.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Tearing the veil

Good evening to all who enter my domain freely

Those who have come before will already know that my presence can be counted on to catch a glimpse of my intellect daily on social media. I am quite fond of twitter at this point in time, which means that the odds of encountering me there are a given. 

I am generally amiable towards those who interact with me respectfully, and sans the intent of using me for their own ill objective. As well you should take note that I do not make a habit of following male accounts. In fact, I find very few who spark my interest at all. Now the kicker for most of you, is that I do not have my DM's turned on for any individuals whom I do not follow. This in essence means that you are blocked from contacting me on a more personal level. There are reasons why I keep my inbox 
Allowing free reign invasion is tantamount to issuing an invitation to time wasters. I prefer to avoid the dregs of findom. You know exactly who I am referencing now don't you? Those broke, stingy, hands on dick dudes whom will never contribute a single cent towards my happiness or comfort. They are truly the enemy, and an enemy will always be denied access to my time and energy. 

Does that sound fair? Perhaps not, but my DM's = playing by my rules. This is not to say that I never grant access, but only that you will have to prove yourself above and beyond the ordinary dan. I refuse to settle for miscreants when there are decent malepets aplenty.

Your next question should very well be "Then how do I contact you to prove my worthiness?"

I have always made that mode of communication simple. You have the options of 
a)tweeting me publicly, and awaiting my notice
b)sending an email to along with an amazon gift card for my consideration 

Of the two methods, your best chance of success is the second. I am more likely to look kindly upon those whom show me from the onset that they appreciate my time vs those who seek only their own self driven gratification. I tell you quite true when I say that tribute is the factor which allows me to discern who shall be rewarded with my presence. My time is most precious to me, and is gifted to the ones who have earned it.

To some of you who suffer from an inflated ego, you approach me as if you are entitled to my attention, and that your time is your gift to me, but that will never be the case in my estimation. Your time is meaningless to me. It brings me no pleasure, and I do not feel an iota of discomfort at the loss of it. Your duty is to attend me, not the other way around. I am the privileged one, not you, and it is you that shall dance at my direction if you desire to become a part of my existence. Take heed and do not allow yourself to forget it. There may be hundreds of females in the findom sphere, but there is only one ME, and there are thousands just like you. I am the extraordinary, whilst you are run of the mill ordinary. Respect, appreciate, and value my presence if you care to have us get along swimmingly :) 

You will remember all that I have conveyed won't you? If it did not penetrate the very first time, read my words over and over til they soak into your psyche! See you soon pet.