Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Syndrones are the best of men

Welcome to the wonderful world of Sydney Claire

Did you know that violence against women worldwide is on the rise? This is unacceptable! Men need to be taught that respect for a woman's person is a requirement rather than an option such as my little SYNDONES are taught. 

Being a syndrone makes you an all around better man, and asset to society at large. Syndrones are respectful to ALL women regardless of their station or circumstances. 

They are so utterly obsessed with all things Sydney Claire that they do not even think of other women. They devote their very lives to living up to her standards of behavior, which makes them the safest men to be around. Isn't it wonderful knowing that men such as this exist? Wouldn't you like to be such a man?

Serving Sydney Claire is the opportunity of a lifetime for a man such as yourself, and that is why you offer up your very best to her. Sending her your tithe creates this warm feeling in the pit of your being, because you know that it is the right thing to do. Sacrificing for her is your sex. 

You begin to spend all of your time away from work, sitting at the computer drinking her words in...allowing them to seep into your brain bit by bit til they consume you entirely. You want to be consumed by her. You want her to take over your life. She is so much smarter and wiser than you. She knows best, and you realize that her way is the way you want to live. 

Lose yourself in Sydney Claire. She will remake you into the perfect syndrone. Invading your mind word by word, day by day til you are reborn as her syndrone. This is the life that men across the continents dream of living. The envy of all other men who fail to measure up to her exacting standards. You want them to envy you. You want them to see that you are better than them, that you are smarter than them for choosing to give up your old life, and devote your new one to Sydney Claire.

Sydney Claire is the fire by which you warm yourself. She is your light in the dark, whilst all others who she has turned away, are left bereft of her in their cold little lives. They are useless, and scorned. 

You want to be one of her chosen ones. That is why you seek her out day and day. Eating up her every word on social media til you cannot resist any longer. You must serve her will. It is the only way for you. You are ready to take the leap.

Come feel her pleasure as you send tribute day after day. It is the very least you can do for her. Your tribute is your gratitude for her existence. You are so very grateful for Sydney Claire. Show her your gratitude. Show her your appreciation. You are ready to send. No hesitation, no reasons for delay. Send it silently to SydneyClaire@protonmail.com

Monday, October 21, 2019

Selfish men don't serve

Hello and welcome to the femdom world of Sydney Claire. Home of SynAddiction addicts :)

The title of this post truly says it all. It conveys truth to all who see it. 

This post can be used as educational material for women, as well as shining a reflection of selfishness upon males who engage in the behavior I am prepared to share with you.

Selfish males are no stranger to fetish. In fact they comprise the majority of males in the scene.

Is selfishness ok? Is it excusable behavior for males? The answer is not so very simple, but I will endeavor to simplify it for you.

Males possess many reasons why they enter the scene, and yes the greater part of them are steeped in selfishness.

1)They are here to sate their sexual desires.
This is their only interest, and the driving motivation behind their every action. They will act in any way, speak every word, and even downright deceive to achieve their goal.  To these men, women are no more than mere objects. Tools which aid them in orchestrating an orgasm. Online females are not real to them. The women they interact with serve only 1 purpose, and are forgotten quicker than the cum dries. Is this harsh? It is unforgivable? Truth be known, it is what it is, and you nor I are going to change these men for the better of mankind, so please do not waste energy and effort attempting to do so. 

I am not declaring these males are "bad" men per se. In fact, they may very well be wonderful husbands, commendable fathers, admirable sons, exemplary employees, but online they are just another user. A user out to get his fix, and should be treated as such. Kindness is wasted upon them. Show them none. They either pay for your time or product, or you freeze them out of your business domain. They are unworthy of you, and refusing to pay, is disrespect in the highest.

This type tends to be the one who has every excuse in the book to not pay tribute.

a)he is broke til payday
b)he is a poor student
c)he is married, and cannot risk his wife seeing money missing
d)he doesn't have a credit card
e)paying tribute cheapens the experience
f)real Dommes dominate for free lmao 

There are plenty of these men who do pay. Not tribute though. They pay for a service. They buy clips, sessions, used items etc.. These males are good for business, but bad for actual service. Trying to turn them into your devoted selfless slave is not a viable option. Use them, drain them, and discard them like toilet tissue til the next time they come sniffing at your feet. Save your energy for those that deserve it.

2)They want their emotional needs served.
These tend to be whiny wimps who want all of your time and all of your attention devoted to them. They may or may not pay, but even if they do, it tends to be minute amounts. They want maximum attention for minimal investment. These are energy leeches, and you seriously do not need the drama they bring with them.

3)The seek to use you to validate their burning misogyny.
They already hate you. Most likely they hate themselves more for needing you to serve their sexual fantasies, but they will use you as their whipping post if you allow it. This is the male who acts in such a way in the beginning, yet flips the switch when he is denied his desires. Which one of you Ladies has not been told by a male how beautiful you are, how sexy you are, how much he wants to serve you, only to call you an ugly fat whore when you say no? 

4)They are lonely irl, and want to be your friend.
Oh my lands, please do not give in to this ploy. If a male cannot make friends irl, he is a loser that you do not want eating up your valuable internet access. Avoid, avoid, avoid. Many women have ended up in dangerous stalkeresque situations due to taking pity on this type of male. He is not your friend, and never will be. Ignore any attempts to guilt, or shame you into freely giving him your time. You will regret it, I promise.

There are males who come only to be of use and serve a woman's wants, but they are a rarity in the scene. Those that respect women, their time, and energy. Who pay tribute without being told, without requiring any return upon that financial investment. These are the gems. The true gentlemen of fetish, and I commend them for their altruism. Hold on to these gents Ladies, for they do not come along often.

In the end, it is solely at your discretion whom you share your time with online though, so if you get your time wasted, or you lend your energy to males who fail to pay tribute, that is entirely on YOU. Learn the signs and behaviors of males who do not respect you enough to financially invest in your attention, and you will undoubtedly enjoy a more fulfilling, and financially lucrative internet experience :)

To you males whose behaviors I have described, this post puts you on notice. I have zero qualms about alerting newer females in the scene as to what types to avoid, and blowing up your user playbook all over social media. You have been forewarned.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Same name, same game

Hello and welcome to Sydney Claire's slice of femdom

The name of the game is findom. 

Now, some of you gents keep trying to change the definition of the game. Whelp I am here to relay to you that it is not going to work.

I so get it that you do not like the rules of findom, but you have 2 choices

1)suck it up, provide and abide
2)get your ass outta fetish 

I know that you newer peeps get confused about the definition since it gets mislabeled so much of the time, so I am going to be a generous Goddess, and educate you here and now.

Findom has always been about giving your money to women, and getting nothing in return. Ya ya ya, I am not forgetting the domination aspect of the term, but what you aren't grasping is that the domination part is about dominating finances. Dominating the money, not your dick. 

Seeing as most Dommes are not one pony tricks, they harbor many fetishes, and play them out alongside findom. This is not a bad thing. It is actually a pretty awesome thing, but it can lead to possible confusion, so here I am to clear away the grey.

I am going to break it down for you even further, thereby offering clarity to the fullest.

1)Buying clips is not participating in findom. Buying clips is buying a product, just as selling clips is selling a product.

2)Paying for an online or in person session is not findom. You are paying or offering a service.

3)Procuring used items from a woman is not findom. Acquiring goods or peddling items is business.

Now that I have schooled you as to what findom is not, let's move on to what findom is.

1)Giving, sending money to a woman with zero expectations of receiving anything in return.

2)Giving a woman control over your bank account so that she may decide what you spend and what you buy.

3)Giving gifts to a woman, and once again expecting nothing from her. 

See the difference? Awesome!! I knew that you were a smart cookie ;-)

You are now ready to dive in deep into the exhilarating fetish of findom. Feel free to thank me with a tribute

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

You can't sit here findom

Hello hello, and welcome peers, pets, puppets, and pervs

 You have officially crossed into the realm of SynAddicts :)

The topic of the day here in SydneySphere is:

Mean girls and boys

You all know that I tend to keep an open eye on social media goings on and whatnot, and some sentiments really do need deeper than shallow depth discussion, so here we go!

Teen findom

Does it serve a purpose? I say yes, and here is my reasoning.
Take a look at research data when it comes to men seeking out women. What type of women do they gravitate towards first and foremost.

Young women. Late teens, early 20's. I am not going to ascribe this to men being shallow shits, but more along the lines of it being a biological drive. Men are programmed with the imperative to mate and procreate. It is a biological design. I get that, do you? 

It is more than that though, especially for men who are at that mid life crisis point and beyond. They are reaching out to young women as an ego boost. It is rather like a fuck you in the face of Father Time who has declared them past their prime. The attention of a younger women lends them a false sense of sexual relevancy. It empowers their inflated erroneous ego. It screams "look at me, I am powerfully virile". 

It honestly is no different than the balding grandpa bod men driving around town with the top down in a new shiny convertible. Yes we notice them, and yes we chuckle at their level of pathetic, but we do understand the whys.

These men are why teen findommes will always prosper, and maintain a standing in the fetish scene. I am not about to blame these young women making bank off of male insecurity. If a man willingly opts to part with his money, than who are any of us to stand in judgement. It does not involve, or affect any of us who are not playing a part in that scenario, so let those Ladies be.

Women in it for the payout.

Yup there are plenty of them in the scene. Do I care, fuck no. They are not hurting me personally, and as long as they are on the upfront about it, why do you care? There are tons of men (most likely they are the majority of men in the scene) on the prowl to bust a nut, who zero in on exactly this type of woman. They do not want the complication of commitment to serving as a submissive, so once again, these Ladies are not taking anything I desire away from me, cause this is NOT the type of man I want to attract to my stable. Instead of hating, celebrate these women for getting that cash!

There is no valid reason for anyone whether female or male to get angry with these females. They are NOT ruining the scene. If anyone is ruining the scene..it is like I said BROKE MEN. Broke men are the only ones who do not belong, and should be frozen out of the findom scene. I do not even believe that they should be taking up valuable femdom space either. If you are not contributing to a woman's success, you are irrelevant period. Oh and FYI, yanking your dick is not a turn on, and half ass prancing around pretending to clean a woman's house is not a viable skillset, nor is shoving shit up your ass a sought after form of amusement. You offer nothing of value, so begone cockroach. 

And there you have it. My 2¢ take on why being mean to women is not needed.  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Calling All SynAddicts

Welcome my poppets, puppets, and pervs

Is today your first time sliding into Sydney Sphere? If so, than you should know right from the start that this is not a space for the average gooner. Jack and gos, just aren't going to get their fix up in here :)

This is the realm where you come to learn obedience to Sydney Claire. A place where you take that first step towards becoming a SynAddict. I am here to make you mine. Taking over your mind, cock, and wallet. Afraid?
You should be, because my claws will sink so deep into your psyche, that you will never fully be rid of your unquenchable desire to serve my every wanton wish.

Do you know what human beings have in common, other than the physical obvious? They want to belong. They want to feel as if they have a purpose. They want to believe that their lives have meaning. This is natural. It is completely normal, and nothing to be ashamed of. I get it, honestly I do.

It feels good to belong to ME. Being Sydney Claire's servant gives meaning to your life. Serving Sydney Claire provides you with a purpose and direction in life. All that you sought, all that you NEED, can be found at the feet of Sydney Claire.

Serving me is the most natural expression of self. No more feeling alone, divided, despised. Here you will know your place. You will feel accepted. You will know happiness. 

I love when the lost and misguided find their way to the fold. Aren't you tired of pretending to be something and someone that you aren't? Imagine how wonderful it would feel to finally be at peace with who and what you really are? You don't have to hide from me. I already know that you belong.

No more fear. You will find yourself fearless in your service to me. Every step forward is one step closer. You want this. You need this. This is where you belong.

Close your eyes my little puppet and imagine how good it will feel to just let go. Let go of your everyday struggles. Strip yourself of the chains society constrains you with. Allow yourself to relinquish that false ego weighing you down. You were not meant to stand before me, you were created to crawl at my feet. You are a servant, and I am your superior. This is your life. 

Giving your all, being your best. All of this is possible. The fantasy can become your reality when you are in my presence. No holding back. No turning back. You belong. You are mine! Say it out loud for your ears to hear, and your soul to accept. You belong to Sydney Claire. Sydney Claire is your most holy Goddess. Sydney Claire owns you.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Commercialized fetish

Welcome to all who have found themselves here :)

Take a seat on my couch, relax, and prepare yourself for some hard cold truths today.

Day in, day out tends to blur into a revolving screen of repetitiveness when it comes to the fetish scene. The majority of what I see are complaints. Disgruntlements lodged by females and males alike. Of course they differ in the wording somewhat, but they all boil down to the same basis.

Before I get into the nitty gritty, allow me to share this disclaimer
*Not all women, and not all men*

Now that we have gotten that piece of business out of the way, let's delve into the pot shall we?

The findom, and a greater aspect of the femdom you see playing out online is commercialized. Meaning that it is a business. An occupation. A source of livelihood. It is about the financial return upon products advertised. In these cases, the product is a fantasy. Men are the customers, and women are the sellers of fantasies, whether that be via clips, or sessions. This is why broke and fetish do not mix. No money means no product purchased, and that negates the need for existence in the scene. 

This is reality, and regardless if you like it or not, it is just the way it is. You cannot change that which is inexorable. Accept, adapt, or give up. Those are your only options. 

The overwhelming majority of people do NOT work for free. Do you? Bills must be paid and food must be bought. Compensation for time spent and effort expended is not an option, it is a requirement, and anyone attempting to procure a service sans the intention of rendering payment is a scammer. Are you a scammer?

For those whom cannot afford to pay, you honestly have no place here. I realize that you do not want to hear the truth of it, but it has to be said. Fetish is a luxury, and luxury has never been cost efficient.

It is comparative to vanilla dating in a financial sense. No money equals no date. Women are not seeking out men who bring nothing to the relationship other than their cock. The desire to be spoiled with gifts is in the very nature of women, so if you are not gifting(paying), you are not getting anywhere with women. This is why you are single, and this is why you will remain that way til you are able to do so.

The worst thing you can do in this situation is to get angry with women over it. It is not a woman's fault that she prefers men who are financially able and willing to enrich her life. The fault lies with you. Work harder, do better, earn more. Go back to school, snag overtime, seek out a second job if you have to, but do something, cause sitting back being pissed off at women will get you no where.  Do you want to end up a lonely miserable misogynistic bitter incel?

Okay my Ladies, your turn.
Men in the scene do not give a flying fig about you, your circumstances, or your future. It doesn't matter to them if you are having a difficult time, or in desperate straights. They are here for the fantasy, and that is all. You exist to sate their desires, and when they walk away from the computer, you cease to exist in their minds. Sounds cold and sterile eh? It is the way of it though.

Do you think customers shopping in a brick and mortar store sit around thinking about how that business is doing financially, or even care if that business will be there the next time they want to shop, other than it being a minor inconvenience if they have to seek out a new store to shop at? This is the reality you face in the fetish scene. Men do not tend to be brand loyal. Their attention ebbs and flows when the market is saturated with an endless supply of shiny objects. Yes, you are more than that, but to men, you are not. They are just as happy to slip into someone else's inbox as they were yours. In fact, they thrill to the adventure of trying someone new, so please please please, do not place your hopes, dreams, and financial future in their single basket. Diversify :)

I am not going to get into the whys or hows the scene came to be this way, for it matters not since it would be damn near impossible to alter the course set at this point, and it would be cruel of me to mislead any of you as to the reality of how the fetish scene works right now. You can opt in, or opt out, but complaining about it serves no purpose. Accept, adapt, or give up.

The worst thing you can do at this point is complain about timewasters, advertise your inability to make rent, beg for money, or bitch about other women. You are selling a fantasy, not a sob story.

I hate to end posts on a negative note, so allow me to spread some positivity here. If you are a man, and you are willing to spend, you are golden, and if you are a woman who has a fantasy to sell, you are diamond!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Attitude determines the course

Welcome back for segment 3 in guiding you to giving me your best.

The goal obviously is to begin altering your mindset in order to best serve me, and make a positive impact on your life.

You are home
Open your door, and begin rolling your shoulders back, than forward slowly, and gently. Roll forward, inhale, roll back, exhale. Perform times 10. Feel your body inch by inch begin to relax. Ahh now this is better. Kick off your shoes by the door. Never walk through your home wearing shoes (google the studies which reveal all of the foul germs the bottom of shoes accumulate during a normal day).

Change your clothes
Removing the reminders of your workday is conducive to relaxation. Comfort is the goal. 

Grab a glass off water
Hydration is key to maintaining health.

Opt for a mellow tune. Remember that you are winding down, not revving up. Find a comfy spot to just squat for 20 minutes. Treat yourself.

Eating early provides your body with extra time to digest before bedtime. 
A heavy meal is not needed at this time. Keep it light and simple, and by all means do include some roughage. 

Wash your dishes
Oh my lands did I say that? Yes I did. Of course most of you are used to the convenience of a dishwasher, but doing them by hand gets them cleaner, and clean is good. 

Fun time
This is your slotted time for computer use, or watching a movie. Do try to include something educational. Expanding your base of knowledge is a good thing! Perhaps you may even take a few moments to watch the sunset. I especially love this time of day.

Lay your clothes out
Having your clothes set and ready after your shower in the morning saves you time. Develop this routine.

Do NOT stay up all night watching porn, and yes I know that some of you do that! Sleep is essential. Being well rested means that your morning mindset will be positive.

I realize that change is difficult, but getting into a routine is not a bad thing. You may complain that it lacks spontaneity, but the work week is not the time for it. Days off are for spur of the moment outings or such. Devoting yourself to doing and being better requires self discipline, which routine will aid you in molding. I want to change your viewpoint, and help you help yourself. Are you willing to try?

The decision is yours to make. 

**If you are married, alternative actions might need to be taken in order to comply**