Welcome all to the ultra exciting and sometimes exasperating world and words of Sydney Claire
Why is our world such an angry place?
I am going to wax on today about 1 possible aspect.
Have you ever noticed how people react when they are confronted with a truth which they disagree with, or outright disbelieve? Anger, anger, anger, and on occasion you will see them resort to violence. Violence as a response to the words or opinions of another human being is NEVER acceptable in a polite society, which we claim to be, yet one only needs to seek out social media news to view the proof of how individuals become almost feral in behavior when THE TRUTH is not their truth.
I myself understand how the truth can be uncomfortable or even painful at times, but come on folks, we would do better to venture out from our selective echo chambers, than to allow ourselves to go along with false pretenses for the sake of getting along or fitting in with brain dead duds. Your best chance at success in life as an individual involves being able to think for yourself, and form independent opinions. Critical thinking is a positive here, peeps. Embrace truth regardless of how it makes you feel, for the truth cares nothing about your feelings. It simply is.
A list of truths
*Not all men are trash
*Not all women tell the truth
*Science is real
*The media misleads
*Politicians and governments lie
*meat is good for you
*high fructose corn syrup is poison
*you can be pro-life and pro death penalty
*Trump is your president
*socialism is suicide
I could go on and on, but I will spare you today :)
The question I pose is, did any of the outlined truths make you angry? If so, why? My intent here is to make you think. Truth
hurts (I know), but whether you like, love, agree, or disagree...truth is always
truth, and your preferred truth is not going to change that fact. I invite and implore you to explore the basis of your anger, in order to solve or resolve the negativity within the equation. Anger is not the way forward.