Sunday, December 6, 2020

Social Media Sanity Killer or Savior

Welcome to all whom have found their way here :)



   Do you have social media accounts? I can name maybe only a couple handful of people within my acquaintance who don't have one. Even most elderly folks these days are connected to atleast facebook. It truly is a rare feat not to be present upon one. I honestly commend those who have disconnected from the fray of it all. I believe that life sans the internet is one lived with a simplicity quite foreign to the majority. Can you imagine your day without it? No morning texts, or checking in to get your daily dose of news. Could you even last a single day without your fix? 

  Sometimes I do disconnect for a day. It is crucial to my state of mind. I mean seriously, the prevailing news segments are dreary, disappointing, and even downright depressing. What sane being wants to endlessly mire themselves within the muck of our society today? Count me out. When I began taking time away from the internet, I found it difficult not to just sneak a peek periodically throughout the day, but over time, I found that I was able to step away completely without any problem. Time away helped me to relax and enjoy my life as it is intended to be. It forced me to actually interact with people in a meaningful way. Instead of sending a quick text or typing up a two line email, I picked up my corded phone and called them, or got off my ever spreading buttocks, and went to visit in person. A blast from the past concept, but one that I have come to treasure. Making real contact with my friends and family has altered the way I engage online now. I am way more open to interacting with people that I once may have shrugged off. Not that engaging with any and everyone is a good idea, because believe me, it isn't. There are alot of toxic souls surfing the world wide net hoping to drag someone down to their level of discontent, and you do not want to be the one they happen upon. 

  Social media sites harbor so much anger at present, whether it be political opposing forces or religious stance arguments. People can quite easily become cancelled for "wrong think", and even doxxed, which is a disgustingly vile act of treachery. We used to enjoy a semblance of free speech in this country, but that has apparently been swept aside in the tide of pc demand. I personally do not believe that it has been a strength, in fact it rather reminds me of a certain political figure who enacted the same measures to gain the compliance of "group think". Communism and it's results ain't pretty, folks. Never forget to mind your P's and Q's, lest you find yourself locked out of your accounts, and that is all I am going to say about it at the moment.

  A question for you my dear readers, why are you on social media?

1) Are you seeking out like minded people?

2) Are you building a brand? 

3) Are you just a horny dude looking for his porn fix? 

4) Are you lonely and depressed hoping to find a friend who will provide a ray of light?

5) Are you looking for a date, hook up, or maybe a lasting love? 

6) Are you only using it to keep up with family and friends?

7) Are you online just to look at cute animal pics (I am guilty of doing this)

   Social media can be a wonderful tool if used correctly. It can connect you with locals who enjoy the same things you do. It can spread the word of a business you are trying to get off the ground. It can lead you to possible job opportunities. It can help cleave the distance between you and loved ones living miles apart. It can help you find friends, and yes it can even bring you all the visuals you need to archive as wank spank material lol. As to locating a date, yup, plenty of those sites to be found, but true love matches online might be a task that you will have to work harder at. In regards to finding cute animal are in for a treat of adorableness overload!

  Social media can also be a weapon. I mentioned the cancelling and doxxing above, but there are stalkers, harassers, and straight out predators lurking online too. There are miserable people who will attempt to humiliate and degrade you for everything from your appearance, your sex, your race all the way to your home, children, religion, and politics. All of these things you must be aware of. It is up to you to navigate the sea of social media safely.

   My advice to you though, is to not believe everything you see online (be willing to research for the truth), to not take the internet too seriously (it isn't real life) to maintain your personal privacy (do not give out your name and address to internet folks) to take a day off every now and then (to actually see what real life is all about) and lastly, trust your instincts about random peeps. Stay and play safe everyone.