Each and every day it appears to me that the males I do see active are not even truly interested in service anyway,and this is not merely contained to the younger males. There is a decided lack of the ability or the desire to grasp what service entails,so allow me to clue you in a bit,serving does not revolve around the bang snap between your legs. You are confusing femdom porn with the reality of servitude. Believe it or not,there is a difference.
If you can spare a moment to jerk your head out of your ass I will attempt to set you straight. Dommes are not lounging around nude or clad in little strips of leather wet and waiting for that divine moment that you enter their presence. They do not find themselves humbled and honor struck that you have deemed them worthy of fulfilling your fantasy of having a woman plow your ecoli infested shite hole. They do not wake each day praying that some insensitive shit stain will come along and use her time sharing all of his perverted filth stories with her,while she receives nothing but the taste of bile in the back of her throat. They do not pin their dreams on the hopes of spending their lives with a wankanator living in his parent's basement cause his fast food job won't pay the rent much less tithe her a decent amount. Most couldn't give a flying fark about your puny playtoy much less if it ever drips again in this lifetime. Can you comprehend what I am saying now?? If not,then your decided lack of intelligence requires that you contain your hobbies to the realm of crayons and coloring books.
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