Friday, January 31, 2020

Sex work shame

Welcome to the glamorously seedy slice of Sydney Claire.

Sex workers is an umbrella term which many shelter under.

Who are sex workers?

-cam girl




-phone sex operator

-clip producer

-porn star

-premium snap chat sellers


-nude models

Long list huh? 

Sex workers are walking down the sidewalk beside you. They are dining in your restaurants, sleeping in your hotels, shopping in the grocery store with you. Your typical sex worker looks just like any other woman you see out and about. I have not seen a single one wearing a scarlet letter, or holding up a sign proclaiming her occupation while out just living life.

Sex workers are highly disdained by the general public men and women alike. Sex workers are considered unclean & immoral and as such are stigmatized. They are banned from payment sites, and websites. Some are even shunned by family members. Does this sound like the recipe of a happy life?

There are a variety of reasons why women engage in sex work, and despite what the main stream media declares, the overwhelming majority of these women have not been forced into the lifestyle via trafficking. Some need the money gained from sex work to survive, whilst others thrive upon the sexual excitement of sex work. Regardless of the reason, these women do not deserve the less than humane treatment they receive from a judgemental society.

Sex workers are shamed and blamed for all sorts of issues. They are accused of being the harbingers of disease, and divorce, yet this is a lie. Did you know that sex workers are tested for stds at a higher rate than the general public? Sure, you are thinking that they must due to their "risky" lifestyle, yet you have thousands of ordinary people walking around untested & infected, but hey, atleast they aren't sex workers!! In regards to being the root cause of divorce, they are not the married man stepping out. They are not the husband spending hard earned dollars to bust a nut. They are not the men ignoring their relationships in favor of peeking at porn. Hold men accountable for their actions, instead of blaming sex workers for providing a service.

It is entirely too easy to blame ills at the feet of sex workers, and I am absolutely not absolving them as an entirety, for they are flawed human beings just like the rest of humanity, but I am calling foul to the world of sin setting upon their shoulders.

Why do people blame the sex worker, but not the customer/consumer? You do realize that without a market, sex workers would not exist yes? Think of it like this. If ALL men stopped frequenting strip clubs, would those clubs remain in business? If ALL men stopped clicking on porn hub, would they go under financially? This is simple truth. Sex workers exist because of a demand for their existence. They serve a purpose, so unless you are actively shaming, shunning, and imprisoning the very market which keeps them in business, shut up!


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