Friday, April 16, 2021

What do men really want?


 I am here to give you the unvarnished truth, as to what men really want. Some of you may be in doubt as to how would I know what men really want considering that I am not a man, nor am I am masculine leaning woman, but I do have decades of interacting with men on a more than superficial level, and yes I am dating myself by stating this.

Most of us are guilty of buying into the prevalent myth of men valuing sex above all things. I am not denying that sex is high on the list for men, but it does not rank the highest. You might even be surprised as to what does stand atop the pinnacle. Ready?

Intimacy of interaction: Men want an intimate connection, just as badly as women do, and no this does not make them weak, or Lord forbid, unmanly. It merely makes them human. Human beings need connections. They need to be heard, seen, and valued. They want a woman who will acknowledge their existence on an emotional level.

No doubt you have been told that men are rough, tough, and need no one to stand by them, but that is a lie. Of course it is not a bad thing to be rough, tough, and stoic in the face of adversity, but in the end, men are human beings, with human needs. They possess a desire to be validated for their opinions, dreams, and desires. The most basic of which, is someone who will listen to them. A person who will allow them to crack their shell, and let out their vulnerabilities. 

As a woman, I have never been shamed for wanting, nay, needing a deeper connection with a fellow human being. I have always been free to express my innermost thoughts, doubts, and fears without being mocked, or labeled weak for doing so. This is what men want most of all. They want someone they can freely be open with. Imagine living your entire life never being able to be fully yourself. Having to hide your emotions from the world. Sound like a fulfilling life to you?

Not having this avenue open to men, leads them down a dead end path. This is why you see so many men reaching out with their penis, rather than with emotional intellect. Sad yes? I for one am full up with compassion for these men. They have been misled from the onset, then as further insult, they have been molded into a caricature of unhealthy manhood. They deserve better than they have received. Trying to convince them to veer from this course is the greatest of obstacles to be overcome though. Are you up to the challenge?

Monday, April 5, 2021

Time Managament In Relation To Relationships

 Whether you are new here, or a faithful follower, welcome to my personal slice of the web sphere.



 Life is a busy venture these days. From the mailman to the fortune 500 CEO, life's schedule never seems to just take a moment to breathe. It is a go go go world. So much to see, so much to do, and the hours in a day fail to provide adequate time to get your to do list completed as it is. Most days you find yourself to be the proverbial dog chasing it's own tail, having it in sight, but never grasping it, and always worn out from trying.

 Is it any wonder that people are short-tempered with a priority focus upon self these days? Their worlds narrowed down to a single sphere of influence. Understandably even the most evenly keeled being eventually devolves into a frazzled burnt out mess when piled under the weight of life's responsibilities. You are not alone facing this issue. People from all walks of life undergo this struggle each and every day.

What is surprising is the relationship most often relegated to the "pay attention to later" box, is personal relationships of the most intimate nature. You naturally expect that the people who matter the most to you will be content to wait for you to spare some of your priceless time to share with them. I mean, surely they understand just how busy your life is, right? This is a major mistake on your part. 

The people that we are closest to, need our attention more than any other in our lives. They deserve to be recognized, and treated as of importance. They should not be made to suffer your neglect, simply because you have not learned to manage your time wisely. Time management is more important than you realize, and more costly if you fail to  learn it.

Managing your time wisely, allows for you to spend more quality time with those who matter the most. Never assume that others are putting their lives on hold to wait for you to notice them. Neglect has been the downfall of many a relationship. Don't lose out due to what could have been avoided. Regrets leave a lifelong foul taste in one's mouth.

Did you know that it takes less than a single minute to send a text message? Were you aware that it takes approximately the same amount of time to send a pm/dm on social media, or post to facebook? It might even cost you an entire 2 minutes to type up an email. The point being, that it requires minimal effort, and time to show someone that they matter to you, and that you were thinking of them. Do you have 2 spare minutes within your 24 hour day? Don't fib either. 

A mere 2 minutes to make a connection. How easy is that?  Do it during your bathroom break if you have to, but just do it. Don't be the dud who ends up alone and miserable with nothing but broken and severed connections because you chose everything else over developing and securing your intimate relationships. What a miserable life that would be.

Intellectually we all know that our parents will not be around the entirety of our lives, that friends will relocate, and even the most dedicated partner will divorce themselves from you if you fail to put continued effort into the relationship, so look hard, and find that 2 minutes. I promise that you will not regret it!