Friday, July 10, 2015

Tribute is not a 4 letter word

Tribute tribute tribute tribute. Yes I like the sound of that word lol. There are differing interpretations in regards to that word,but the only one I concern myself with,is my own.

My views on tribute are as such: It is a gift,and gifts do not have expectations attached to them. They do not come in as one side of an exchange ie tit for tat(meaning a tribute is not something that you send to receive a service). The exchange service is most often how I see the word misused. A chap comes along desiring a cam session which is a paid service(entirely different than service),and calls his payment a tribute..eck do not pass go or collect $200 because this is wrong. Note where I said that a tribute is a gift.

The word tribute is the magical wand of fetishes,almost like a pregnancy stick in the vanilla world,as both make males run screaming. Why does it frighten though? I have many theories. 1)A male who is dead dick broke and cannot even afford to take a date to Mickey D's,definitely is going to haul ass when he sees this word(perhaps even leaving with an angry tirade lashed out,you know the type,the ones who call females whores because they won't put out for free). 2)A male that is centered upon his own selfish self serving agenda is going to backtrack quickly as well,for he does not believe in gifting without the expectation of having his jollies rubbed off. 3)A male that equates serving with sex..he does not pay for such,for you should do it purely for your own enjoyment,and at your own expense,cause we all know that fetish gear should be acquired out of your pocket only. 4)Misogynists..oh how they hate...and women are objects to be used for their personal gratification. That is just a few,feel free to add to it.

After picking your way through the above mentioned rubbish,you are left with a very select few males. These are the treasures. They are those that grasp the honor of tributing. They relish the fact that they impact a Domme's life in a positive manner. They beg to be allowed to enrich her life,to play even a small part in her happiness. They do not make demands,they do not snivel and whine if she is busy with life. The prevailing goal in their minds is to be all,and do all that she requires. Of course he is over the moon to have a moment of her time,but he will never bitch to receive it. He bides his time,he works hard,and at the end of the day,he is thankful to serve his purpose in life,which is serving the superior sex. This is why these males are coveted jewels in a crown.

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