Saturday, July 11, 2015

boys boys boys

Sit right down,cause I am gonna school you a lesson in submission. Okays then,here we go.

Saying that a Domme needs to do this or that to gain your submission is a bullshit ploy of yours to top from the excuses,and no trying to deny it. It is what I said it was.

I have spoken to more males,than farts fly in the wind,and you are not going to tell me something that I have not heard before(seriously). Let's start with the most common ones. a)"I need to be made to suck cock to feel submissive"...yup heard that one alot,and my reply is simple,if you are setting conditions on your submission(other than absolute hard limits),then you are not actually submitting(you are just seeking a facilitator for your fantasies),and I have no use for you period. b)"I need you to force me to tribute" ack that one makes me gag. Do I or any other Domme look like your Mommy? Handholding is for parents,and high school sweethearts(I am neither),so do take that whiny manipulative shit next door. c)I need to be teased with your flesh in order to submit" *puke* yup you are just another misogynistic male seeking to objectify a woman's body for your visual gratification,and that seriously sucks ass.

Do you see the common thread in each of those examples? Clearly each one is about males(I will not honor them with the term submissive) getting what they want,claiming it as a NEED. Every one of those scenarios is about male wants,he wants to be forced,he wants to see flesh,so tell me how in the hell any of that is about what the Domme wants? It isn't.

I am not trying to devalue actual needs of subgents,but attempting to dress up a want's clothing as a need,is not cool,and is quite obvious. This behavior is exactly why Dommes get pissy and fed up with the lot of you. Submitting is not about getting off,or getting what you want. It is about letting go of self serving agendas,and focusing your energy on the wants of another. It is selfless,not selfish. Why is that such a difficult concept for so many of you to swallow?? I wonder about the educational systems of the world,if the majority of the male fetish scene population cannot decipher the difference between selfish and selfless. Serving can NEVER be about you the servant,else it would not be deemed serving.

Perhaps the issue stems from males seeking out the lifestyle for their own wants,and if so,then there is a solution. They will not run afoul or get blocked if they keep their inquiries contained to the boxes of service providers,and far from the door of Dommes who expect actual service. If you "need" to be flashed flesh,there are tons of cam sites just for that purpose alone,if you "need" to be forced to tribute(do not call it tribute though,tribute is a gift sans expectations,call it a payment) or to suck cock,once again there are providers who will happily take your cash,and make demands such as you want. Bottom line,unless you are selflessly seeking to serve a Domme,then do not contact a Domme.

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