Aww today we once again delve into the dark area of findom $$
Oh how lovely my day begins to open my messages and peruse the words "money grubbing whore"...sorry to burst the dirty bubble of the sender, but you have failed to anger me with your regurgitation of toxic venom. If anything it has amused me, for your ignorance upon the subject at hand is clearly noted.
Findom involves $ yes, but for me it is merely another tool in my arsenal. Money has no value if you do not attribute it any. You might ask why I require tribute of those that serve me then...well in a nutshell $=POWER, which is the ultimate aphrodisiac. I know full well that males are more than willing to pump any hole they can find with their puke sticks, so obviously they do not place a high level of stock in the worth of it, yet they will hold their wallet closed double fisted. Now what does that tell me hmmm.
Power is the fuel that feeds my fetish, not $. For one such as I there is a no denial that I crave the rush of TPE. How is this accomplished? As most males regard their power base as that of their genitals(I know the truth though) I place them in chastity, which tames the testosterone laden beast that dwells within the male psyche. After a period of time they become quite docile in nature, and geared toward pleasing others, as you have effectively detached them from their own selfish desires. Now I hold control over their flesh and have effectively modified their thought process,which leads to the culmination of my agenda. They are now as like little pets that hand over all that I demand. Content to suffer physically, emotionally, and essence feeding my desire for TPE.
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