Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Needy nuisance

Needy and greedy for time and attention are not behaviors that should ever be encouraged or developed. The best males are those that do not become a time and energy drain. Instead they act as a rejuvenating infusion. They are a pleasure to spend time conversing with as they are not fixated upon their own needs. Their attitude is one of gratitude for a ladies shared moments with them. These are the treasured servants whom are allowed into the inner sanctum of her life, not merely the distance fringe where fetish boys play. I am not inferring that there should not be daily interaction between a sub/slave and a Domme, but there comes a point where instead of receiving training intervals,you are begging and attempting to finagle every possible moment of her time. Yes a male should come to rely upon his lady for guidance and direction but not to the degree of becoming a nuisance. His own sense of self reliance should hold him steady upon the decided course sans hand holding throughout the entire day. If this is the type of time consuming attention you seek, then I suggest your tribute be flowing into her coffers copiously, otherwise you are wasting the time she would allot training less complicated boys. Keep in mind that tribute is not paying for her time, therefore you have no rights upon it.

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