Wednesday, April 24, 2013

a piece from my creature

I recently took on a new boy(my creature) whom has been exceeding my expectations for service through dedication and devotion,and as a reward to him I wished to share a lovely piece that he composed for me.

Life seems easy and like a bliss
When i am humble and on my knee
rectiting a mantra in honor of the Mz:
”Every thing for Sydney, nothing for me.
The Goddess has no need for fools
Its always so instinctively true.
Listens with care to Her rules:
”Whatever pleases Me pleases you”
For Her every man will crawl
Honoring Her perfection and superiority
Yearning to be at her beck and call
My life will forever be that of inferiority
Looking at her beauty makes me humble
and eternal grateful of her presence
I must do my best not to stumble
because i finally found my lifes essence

Saturday, April 13, 2013

No genie in my bottle

One of the issues that I am noticing of late is how many of the males that offer their service to me expect me to "fix" their life. How is that a quagmire if I am truly desirous of TPE...well the problem lays in the fact that my wand is still at Ollivander's shop being fixed lol. Not to mention that I am not a life coach, and the only counseling I have ever performed is for those in grief over losing their loved one that was in my care. This is not to say that I do not care for those serving me, or that I do not want to know the details of their interpersonal relationships, but I am not a wizard nor a genie that can waggle my fingers or wiggle my nose to make everything better.

What I do provide is guidance and goals. I am more than happy to keep boys on the path, or even nudge them along the way if they veer a bit, but I am not a miracle worker. Sorry to disappoint you with the truth of my being just as human as the next person, sadly I am not imbued with magical powers, other than feminine wiles ,grace, and appeal.

I realize that online service for many is an escape from the drudgery of their lives. A few moments daily or however often they can log on for, spent immersed in the fantasy they crave, but unfortunately reality will creep in to eradicate those delicious daydreams. Not to say that there is anything wrong with indulging fantasies...I do it all of the time, but if you honestly want to live your life serving another, then be mature enough to handle the details of your existence which plague you with difficulty before you leap into the fray.

Ask yourself how you would feel about worshiping a woman who had more toxic baggage in her life than louis vuitton. A dominant female is expected to have the circumstances of her life under control in order to be worthy of worship, so why would you think that you do not have to live up to those expectations as well? If the view from your eyes is a shamble, then grow some testicles and clean up your mess.

Last but not least lest you forget...the only wand a Domme wields is a violet one <weg>

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Age as a factor in selection

It is a fact that age does play a part when males are choosing a Goddess to worship whether it be that they prefer a lady young enough to be their daughter, or old enough to be their mother, so it should comes as no surprise that ladies as well find certain age groups to be more desirable for those that they come to allow within their inner sanctum. Many a time though I have been the recipient of anger and confusion as to why I vocalize a preference for males of a certain age when it comes to service, so I thought that I would take a moment to explain my decision, and what led me to it.

The males I welcome into my fold are generally within the mid 30's and older set. I doubt that it comes as a shock, for a goodly amount of ladies share my stance upon this subject. It is popular opinion that age is equated with maturity, and maturity is a most desired quality for any submissive to possess, which is a character trait that is acquired over the course of a lifetime not one that is magically bestowed upon birth. I am well aware that not every male is mentally and emotionally mature at 40, nor that the entirety of boys under 40 are immature, but from my personal point of view taking into consideration my experiences with males of all ages it is a reasonable conclusion that the odds of a male being suited to my expectations (mature, stable, dependable) will indeed be found within the age set of my selection.

Let me put it to you like this, most of the younger males that I have encountered enter the scene like they would a strip club. Tell me if this sounds familiar. "Hey whats up baby,wanna chat?" Then he  tosses out a few dollar bills (after he has tried all of his tricks to get it for free) to watch a female entertain him on cam (tease and denial), all the while stroking his "ego" out of sight under the table (under his desk)...maybe even being so full of himself that he does so in plain view, and once he has completed his mission (gotten his jollies) he is off to the next available set of T&A. Does this strike any of you as the type of male you would want in your stable? That would be not only a definite no, but a HELL NO for me. Ever heard that saying "you cannot make a ho into a housewife"...well along that same tune, you cannot turn a slut into a worthwhile servant.

An older male tends to have evolved past the point where he cannot make a decision about service without prior consult with his main member, which makes him a better suited applicant for me. They have reached a point in their life where they are secure enough to offer themselves with full knowledge of what it entails. It is not seen as a game to them. They are willing and prepared to enter into a D's exchange that lasts longer than it takes for their johnson to juice, and has more substance than a hand full of sticky semen. They have life experience to draw from which has taught them that all of the money in the world will not matter if a male is incapable of behaving in a manner that is sure to garner the continued attention of his chosen Goddess.  In addition older men are more likely to be at a point in life where they have their shit together. I mean what good is a submissive whose life resembles a termite ridden home?

This is not to say that I would never ever consider a younger male, merely that he would have to be an exceptional individual.