Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Harsh Honesty

When you start out in the findom scene you want to stand out,yet not in such a way that creates drama or conflicts with the views and opinions of others,and for the last year I have actually subscribed to it,but no longer will I stifle my thoughts or views.

A phrase that came to my mind was by Alexander Hamilton "Those who stand for nothing,fall for anything" Well folks here is where I take a stand.

Everywhere and almost everyone bitches about how the findom scene has deteriorated into a cesspool of spume,and questions why oh why? The answer of comprised of multiple factors.

The very first thing that we see are the attitudes of those whom title themselves submissives...needy demanding toppy creatures who besmirch the distinction of an honored nomer. Why the hell are such vile apparitions even tolerated...here it comes.. $$$. Yes my readers they have been accepted because of money. They have been allowed to buy their way into our realm due to the cash strapped bills due desperation of faux females engorging themselves like fat well fed ticks who joined us during the rinse cycle.

Another ingredient that was added to the stew was the business side of domination infiltrating into findom. An arena where the almighty dollar rules,and whoever holds it sets the rules. In order for findom to ever be what it once was there must be a separation between the sides. This is the part where butthurt feelings will ignite. Cam girls,oh yes they are bitched about constantly...I myself could care less how a lady earns her bread...my issue is with those that claim the title FinDomme while doing it. Let me be straight up in your face with this so there are no misunderstandings on my opinion. If you are working as a cam girl,then you are NOT doing findom. You are serving a customer plain and simple. Earning a paycheck. For those who choose to disagree,that is your right,but you are not going to alter my views no matter how much you argue,K, good. You are part of the problem,not the solution if you are being dishonest.. Be honest and proud to do your thang. I am all for empowering other females,but that does not include blowing smoke up your ass.

Now we come to the solution. Education. I know that some ladies are really great about offering up their knowledge on the scene,so why aren't any of you listening. Oh that's right,it interferes with your fantasy of how it should be.

To cut to the chase,boys if you are here to buy a session,or pay for the privilege of seeing some tits and spread vag then you belong on the business side only. You are not a submissive,you are not a slave to anything other than your own dicklust. Venturing into the findom scene is an insult to those who actually embrace it as it was meant to be. And to the females out to make a buck this is not the side for you either. You are money hungry,not money greedy(huge difference). Yes if you are doing it to pay your bills,then you are money hungry. Now I know that we have all seen ladies whom say that their males pay their bills...consider this that half are lying,and half of the other half are fabricating shite,so there are the actual numbers...truly slim.

In closing I would ask all in this scene to consider what you are,and that which you hope to gain from the scene before entering it in order to ensure that you are where you belong. This will saves us all time and aggravation.

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