In a world consisting largely of a population that cares nothing for or about the lives of others not their own has the ability to make life a depressing circumstance,rather than the wondrous experience it was intended to be. I am positive that most of those taking the time to read this are thinking "who gives a shit,bring on the sexy pics and the detailed erotic imagery that words have the power to evoke",if so then switch the channel now,for my focus is not upon human sexuality at the moment.
I many times pontificate upon the subject of how I personally can make a difference. What steps I can take in order to assure that when my golden years arrive I will be able to look back fondly upon my actions,rather than be ashamed that all I accomplished was my own selfish satisfaction. This may come across as rather comical as I am supposed to be a heartless Domme whom employs findom,but if all I allowed to pass my lips were words promoting my Goddess like persona then I would appear quite a one dimensional character wouldn't I? Yes it goes against the grain to advertise that my thoughts and actions are not directed solely towards my own but then I recall the fact that absolutely no action is truly altruistic on it's own.
Do you know that it only takes a moment of your time to enhance the day of another? Do you have a moment to spare,of course you do. Have you ever seen an elderly individual unable to reach an object on a shelf due to the physical constraints they suffer? Would it set your entire schedule off to lend a hand? Or perhaps you have seen a woman carrying her child approach a door...would it affect you negatively to open the door for her? Do you ever stop to wonder if the person your see coming towards you with a frown upon their visage could be enduring a horrific day,and a smile from a stranger might lighten their load for a moment? These are all actions that cost us nothing,yet may enrich those sharing this world with us.
Hopefully if you have stayed with me so far you are gaining a rare insight into how I view life,and others within it...if not then you are most likely similar to Charlie Brown whom hears only blah blah blah when any attempt to school them incurs.
One of the things I encounter frequently these days during interactions with both males and females is self esteem issues,and as my intent today is to enlighten and empower,I offer this bit of advice. Every morning when I wake I think of 3 things that I am grateful for in my life as well as 3 things I love about me. Yes this sounds simple,and you may not believe that it can make a difference,but I do give it credence,and have used this training tool in my own life with success.
Once you realize that you are a valuable human being,then you are better able to spread that light to others,which I hope that you will choose to do.
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