Thursday, December 19, 2013


As human beings we are all prone to experiencing issues whether they be related to our past or present occurrences and circumstances. The one thing that I try never to do is place mine on someone else. It can be difficult to do so,but part of being a soundly mature individual relies upon us being able to separate our problems from others. I belong to multiple forums and sites,so daily I read read and read posts,tweets and the like. Now if I were like some,then I would take personal those that touch upon my own issues,yet I do not do that. I wonder if people even realize that when someone posts something that offends you that they are most likely not even thinking about you when they do so,and your issue is yours alone,so do not attempt to contribute it to another. Own your own hang ups,and work to resolve them,for I guarantee that the person you are attributing your angst to is not thinking one bit about you. This will greatly reduce your stress. Believe me when I say that the only one bothered is you,so why do that to yourself.

Another error I see is the assumptions that are commonly made when it comes to the words of another. It is difficult to accurately convey the feelings and intentions behind our words on an internet post,and by knowing this you can save yourself the aggravation of ASSuming that you know exactly what the other person means,especially if it is something that angers or irritates you. One of the plus sides to being on the net is that you are free to bypass reading material from those that irk you,you can even go so far as to block them from your view,so if you continue to peruse their statements beyond that,then it is on YOU,not them. Personally I have encountered people whom I would not piss on to put out a fire,so I take the high road and refuse to interact with them in any manner,which is what maturity allows you to opt for.

Basically what it all boils down to is that if you abhor my views and words,then bring down the blocking ban,cause I am always going to voice my full strength opinion. No watered down playing to everyone's sensitivities ploys for me. There is no going along to get along in my world. I will always be bluntly honest which means that I will not pretty up my speech for anyone. That also means that you will know exactly how I feel sans the deceit that some mask themselves with. Best advice I can offer is to keep it real,and keep away from those whose realities that you cannot handle.

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