Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A society of shallow hals

Disclaimer:The views and statements reflected within this post are solely those of the writer's observations and studies,therefore may not reflect the opinions of the entirety.

As a whole our society has become nothing if not one comprised of those that base an individual's value off of appearance. To be considered of worth especially if you are a member of the female gender,then you must fit into a set mold established by elitists males. As to the physical attributes considered most desirable,one merely has to look to a young girl's toy...a barbie. The epitome of perfection is actually one which has been proven scientifically to be unattainable lest the subject considers the removal of a few ribs and plastic surgery to be acceptable options in attaining this body. Is the desire and appreciation of the male gender worth the agony of such an endeavor? I think not,but then mine is not the prevailing opinion.

Every day women undergo painful procedures to enhance,alter,and radically change the way their faces and bodies look. But why...this is always the burning query within me. Why do females set out to fix that which is not broken? I have heard many women deny that their actions are a reflection of an attempt to garner male approval, but I find doubt within their proclamations. The main explanation given is that they do so to feel better about themselves, but why do they feel bad about their appearance to begin with if not other than they have been led to believe that you are less attractive and viable if you do not have ample breasts, a rounded posterior, a wrinkle free face or zero cellulite upon their body?

We have become so fixated upon the outside that we neglect that which truly reflects our worth as a human being, and believe me when I say that we all age, and time will take it's toll upon a body, so why torture yourself trying to fit into a mold...especially one designed by males to arouse their ardor? The standards of beauty have changed throughout time, but one thing remains the same, and that is that women do possess the option of saying, fuck you shallow hals because I am beautiful just as I am. It is possible to change the way beauty is perceived, but the path of doing so will not be through conformity.

Even a healthy ego will be dinged when there is a failure of appreciation. This occurs even within the fetish realm sadly, but then people are people regardless of the situation, and carry with them societies ingrained views of perfection. Do we not see this shallowness perpetrated every single day? I do. Ask yourself a simple question, if every woman looked and acted exactly the same, would this not make us a society of drones feeding the male sex, perhaps similar to the renowned movie the stepford wives?

Rather than beating yourself up over what shallow people perceive as flaws, celebrate that which makes you unique, and I guarantee that you will grow to love yourself for who and what you are. No one and I mean no one is perfect in all ways, but if you allow your mind to dwell upon supposed imperfections, then you will never see your true worth, which is priceless. Don't you think it is time to break away from the standards set by others and shatter the shallow mold? I do. It is simpler than you think to do. Get up every morning, stand in front of your mirror and say to yourself, I am beautiful, and I will accept nothing less than the appreciation I am deserving of. Now banish those from your life that treat you as anything less than the Goddess you are, and tell the hals of the world to fuck themselves for you are a flesh and blood woman, not a child's toy!!!

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