Friday, February 7, 2014

Assigning Priorities

One of the very first lessons you must learn in order to serve me is that I am always and will eternally be your first priority. Anything less is unacceptable,and will find you relegated to my past rather than my present or future.
This is one of the main reasons why I have such difficulty accepting into service the "al bundy's" of the world. I consider myself selfishly gifted,meaning that I place my wants and desires before all others,just as you are expected to if you crave to remain in my realm. This is definitely not me being harsh,instead it is a statement of blunt honesty. I would not wish to have any believe that I have misrepresented my intentions,so I make a point to be quite forthright about my expectations.

In order to make me your top priority you will need to relinquish your misguided male ego...believe me you do not need it anyway. Your worth shall be based on how well you please me,not how highly you think of yourself,so kick your ego and sense of entitlement to the curb. Never doubt that I will assign you your level of self esteem.

The life you are drifting though right now has no meaning,no are merely existing until you accept your purpose,which is serving. There can be no happiness,no sense of contentment if you are selfishly dwelling on this earth. Know that your wealth,and possessions are like that of a spoonful of dirt on your tongue...leaving a bad taste in your mouth until you take the steps to right your path...the journey which begins with you on your knees pleading to please me,so come my little ones and warm yourself by the flame of the Goddesses desires.

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