Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Be my best bitch

Good evening my masochistic minions, and devoted deviants

Your suffering is on the agenda this night lol
If you have to ask yourself if you have already suffered enough for me, than indeed you are due!

I have been working very hard lately to smash all of my goals, and deserve to be spoiled greatly by you gents. 

Suffering, sacrifice, and spoils...I do adore those words, don't you? Suffering, sacrifice, and spoils whispering through your thoughts. Over and over til it is all that you can think of. There is such beauty, and dignity in those actions, when performed for Goddess. There can be no higher honor than suffering and sacrificing for the happiness of Goddess. You are honored in even being chosen for this purpose. You should be on your knees thanking Goddess for this opportunity to please her.

Goddess is offering you the golden chance of a lifetime. Are you brave enough to take up the gauntlet? Are you man enough to embrace the challenge? 

Not all who come before me are even considered for a moment of my attention. My attention is a precious gift. Are you worthy of that gift? Are you prepared to bow down and be recognized? Let's find out shall we lol

You must know that in order to set sail upon this journey with me, you will be required to sacrifice from the onset. There can be no tepid actions. You are expected to proceed ahead full throttle. 

Take that first step onto the plank, and send your tribute today. Your tribute is your troth, which you pledge willingly, and without coercion. Never should a Goddess be forced to demand that which you should be offering before she even thinks to ask. You must be smarter, you must learn to anticipate, and you must definitely be willing to give your all for her happiness and comfort. You wouldn't want your Goddess to be displeased now would you? Of course not, for you are determined to be her very best bitch in the kennel :)

Goddess makes no promise that the experience will be easily bought, but it is guaranteed to alter your life forever.

You my sweet were meant and are intended to become a vessel for Goddess. A vessel which serves an ultimate higher purpose in this lifetime. To be owned by Goddess, is to be among the most honored of men. You will join the ranks of her blessed few.

Come now, come and be received by Goddess.


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