Hello and welcome to the sphere of Sydney Claire!
Today we delve into segment 2 of guiding you into giving me your best.
You have left your dwelling, and get on your way to work. A man who works diligently, is a man who prospers.
The reason I advise you to breathe is that we all know how hectic and frustrating a task driving can be in this day and age. The roads are jam packed with people who possess neither manners, nor common sense. Do not emulate these folks.
Heading to work is a time for mentally gearing yourself up for whatever the day will bring, and if you allow others to negatively impact your mindset during this period, than the odds exponentially increase of your entire day being a shitshow, so set your radio to the station which manifests positivity for you.
Walk in the door of your employment, and greet your co-workers with a genuine smile...even if you detest their very existence. You set the tone.
Be grateful
Have you seen the unemployment numbers? I for one do not swallow the spoon fed lies in regards to all of the supposed job opportunities the media reports on. Every single day positions are lost to outsourcing, and automation, so consider yourself fortunate to be gainfully employed. Take a moment to reflect upon the blessing of a paycheck.
Honest effort
Do your job to the very best of your ability every single day. Do not be a slacker. Slacking is a poor reflection upon you as a human being. Some days will leaving you feeling as if no ever notices how much effort and time you put into doing your job correctly. Regardless, you will know it, and you can take pride in yourself for giving 100%.
Eat your lunch
Do not skip it. Your body needs to be nourished in order to promote peak performance. Peak performance ensures that you are not racking up medical debt, and lost time at work. Do try to drink some water :)
Stay late
If your assigned workload cannot be completed by clock out, than go the extra mile, and stay a few minutes after to get it done. A little overtime will not kill you.
Hit the road
Once you have clocked out for the day, leave your work behind you. This is YOU time. Time to clear your mind of distraction, and focus on relaxing.
Of course the traffic is just as bad going home as it was heading in, so be prepared. Never engage in the road rage fad, or waving the single digit hello. Your chore is to make it home safely, and that means leaving your damn cell phone out of sight while driving. We all know how tempting it is to quickly peruse the news or tap out a text, but DON'T. Listen to your tunes, and keep your eyes on the road.
Home sweet home
At last, yes!
TBC..hope to see you return soon :)
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