Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy day

Why am I happy today???
And this
Along with a new beautiful sweater!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Needy nuisance

Needy and greedy for time and attention are not behaviors that should ever be encouraged or developed. The best males are those that do not become a time and energy drain. Instead they act as a rejuvenating infusion. They are a pleasure to spend time conversing with as they are not fixated upon their own needs. Their attitude is one of gratitude for a ladies shared moments with them. These are the treasured servants whom are allowed into the inner sanctum of her life, not merely the distance fringe where fetish boys play. I am not inferring that there should not be daily interaction between a sub/slave and a Domme, but there comes a point where instead of receiving training intervals,you are begging and attempting to finagle every possible moment of her time. Yes a male should come to rely upon his lady for guidance and direction but not to the degree of becoming a nuisance. His own sense of self reliance should hold him steady upon the decided course sans hand holding throughout the entire day. If this is the type of time consuming attention you seek, then I suggest your tribute be flowing into her coffers copiously, otherwise you are wasting the time she would allot training less complicated boys. Keep in mind that tribute is not paying for her time, therefore you have no rights upon it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A slave

A slave does not want for themselves, they want for others/their owner. A slave does not ask what you can do for them,but instead what they can do for you. A slave does not ask about their wants,instead they ask what you want. A slave does not ask to have their fantasies fulfilled,they ask how they may bring yours to life. A slave does not ask to be served or pleased,instead they ask how they may serve your pleasure.

Monday, November 19, 2012

objectification of women

Throughout history women have been subjected to sexual objectification which continues to this very day. You have only to look to magazines, online ads, even within the bdsm scene. Much of the fetish porn features females in a manner which leaves no doubt that they are valued only for the stimulation their forms evoke. I assume guilt for my part in perpetuating the cycle by posting photos that play into the male fantasy, and posting blogs whose content is intended to arouse the male psyche. This is a subject that has been a nagging thorn in my side for some time now ergo my desire to put my thoughts into words. I ponder how it is that in such enlightened times we as an evolved society justify such negative connotations in connection with strong dominant women. In truth we argue that our bodies are employed as weapons of destruction and seduction, yet this is the very concept which encourages cave man mentality. This approach is a choke collared leash that we cannot seem to escape, for time passes by us all, metamorphosing our once nubile flesh into a softer womanly physique. Females are barraged daily with images of what men consider beautiful, sexy, alluring. Why do we allow males to set the definition? I have always held the opinion that women are beautiful in all forms, yet to view the statistics of females suffering from some type of eating disorder, depression, body shame, or undergoing cosmetic surgical procedures to accurately embody what men consider pleasing is astoundingly disheartening. Will there come a day where irregardless of size, shape, or age that women across the world will look into a mirror and say "I am beautifully designed, and no longer will I allow what males think to make me feel inferior"? Whether or not you hold with the belief of female supremacy is moot. This is about women loving themselves as they are. PERFECT. Yes I have seen the arguments pertaining to women gaining a sense of empowerment from the use of their sexuality, but is this truly what we want to be appreciated for? The body may be the temple, but the brain is the mastermind. It is with superior intellect that others are kept upon their knees not a set of DD's. Do not take this to mean that I am judging any female who opts to seduce with her flesh rather than her acquired knowledge. My hopes are for all women to be uplifted, not down trodden by the very ones who in later years will discard that which they find aged, sagging, and wrinkled. My very earnest desire is for women to see that we have no need to meet standards set by those with a Y chromosome. This is indeed a heavy read, and may not be appreciated by all, but for those that have felt the sting of an unkind sentiment due to the failure of fitting into a man made mold, you are not alone.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Shallow, superficial, self-centered, self absorbed. Adjectives...simple yet powerful words which evoke images depicting the majority of males within the bdsm scene. Do take a moment to look upon your actions boys and honestly ask yourself if these words resonate throughout your behavior. A select niche of individuals that maintain the mentality of "what are you going to do for me", oh wait that would be an error, as this state of mind has encroached upon all communities within society. Disdainfully I view this disturbing reality. The scene has eroded into a cesspool where dedication and devotion to service are applied only so long as it leads to an eruption of semen. This mindset has allowed for the proliferation of subwhores that comprehend and value only that of their own pleasure. Loyalty and diligence to a single chosen lady tossed to the wayside in search of the next erectile fix. Yes it paints a poor picture, yet the truth is not intended to be kind, merely to be accurate. I am not saying that selfish, shallow, superficial, self-centered, self absorbed males have no place in the scene, merely that they have no place in my temple of worship. Service is meant to be an honor bestowed upon those that have earned the privilege, not a purchased right. It is quite plain though to see why this has become a dominating issue. Findom is a grey area of play, wherein those that possess the $ maintain that they call the shots so to speak (this in essence denotes exchanges as business) To be blunt, if you are paying for a service than you are not serving. You are a customer. Nothing more, nothing less. Do not disgrace those that have earned the designation of submissive or slave by claiming to be that which you are not. They are those that recognize the distinction between tribute being given without expectation and payment being paid. They are the treasured minority whom by word, action, and deed give of themselves for the pleasure of another. The point being, be honest about who and what you are if not with others, then atleast with yourself.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Birthday desire audioboo

Monday, November 12, 2012

Less than 3 days til my BIRTHDAY! I expect to see the gift I want most on it's way!

real time service

What I seek, what I desire. Something real, definitively tangible. To be at the center of a male's universe. To stand above him as he abases his form, not merely for a moment in time, but for all time. He bows with the knowledge that while he may never dwell within my temple, he will indeed live for me. This is the power exchange which the ample majority will never embrace, for anonymity evaporates once began. There is no screen to cower behind as you are stripped of all pretense. When all is laid bare your submissive soul will be revealed. This very moment is what males either fear or adoringly revere. To reach this level of service means that all of his personal desires must be washed away, with only the erected net of trust holding him securely.

There is no room for doubt in service. There are no second thoughts. Only the all consuming need to please me. Your every spare thought dedicated to me, and how you may better serve. Establishing me as a priority within your life. Blissfully suffering for my smile, sacrificing selfish ideals for a kind word of encouragement. There are no half hearted attempts, there is only dedication and devotion towards pleasing your Goddess.

Are you prepared to let go of all that you were, in order to evolve into what you are meant to be? Are you ready to become the boy that I seek? If you possess the courage to find out, come before me humble and meek, without any expectation to find physical release. Lest you forget, do not expect time or attention if you have not placed an offering at my feet.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

5 days til my BIRTHDAY

5 days til the birthday of you GODdess, and yet the very item I desire the most still sits on my wish list.......

Get it together boys, you do not want a permanent trip to the isle of exile now do you.

I expect that watch to be upon my beautiful wrist come my special day. You have your orders, now do what you were born to do, SPOIL ME.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What is reality

Reality is that I am a real person, just like you. I live, I breathe, I have a life that I love.

I have a career that I enjoy which pays my bills and sees to my needs. I have a life filled with family and friends, and responsibilities that must be met. Sound familiar? Sorry to burst your bubble, but I do not exist in a little room sitting behind a monitor dressed in leather with a whip in hand just waiting for the moment a male comes online for me to fulfill his fantasies. Oops my bad.

Some complain that I too quickly extinguish their hopes and desires of a speedy wank off fest....awwww poor pity you. The time I spend online is for my pleasure, not and never will be for yours period. I am always a dominant woman, but that does not mean that I am barking out orders, and beating ass 24/7. That is absolutely unrealistic.

Too many of you males have this twisted thought that you are honoring a female with your attention by sending photos of your penis, or offering to humiliate yourself on cam, yet in actuality you do these things because it pleases you. Why do you do this, well that is quite simple. You are a selfish fuck that thinks only of himself and his own desires. Do you truly believe that females cannot see through your facade? If so then you have bigger issues than being a worthless waste of space.

I am loosing faith that males exist who possess a submissive soul. Ones that have an altruistic appreciation for women. The majority do not even know the meaning of such thoughts. They cannot grasp that a woman would desire anything other than jumping to their commands. Unfortunately the scene is flooded with females that will bark and heel like good bitches for peanuts, but for those of us whom hold ourselves to a higher standard, this mentality will earn you a one way ride to banishment.

Just as the marines accept the few and the proud, so do I. Quality will trump quantity when it comes to serving me, and a male should always be prideful of the fact that he serves a superior lady with his utmost ability geared towards excellence.

These are my thoughts and requirements which leave no budge room. I will accept nothing less, and honestly I would have no males serving me if it meant that I had to constantly deal with selfish demands upon the time I allot for my pleasure. Either get your shit together and figure out what serving entails, or content yourselves with those that offer to dance to your tune, but never ever contemplate that you will enter my world acting in such a manner.

Disgusted with the lot of you.

Why am I not surprised that the one item I desire for my Birthday in 8 days still sets on my amazon list unpurchased along with the items for my Christmas charity project. Utterly pathetic. At this time none of you are worthy of even the air you breathe.

Plain disgusted with the lot of you. Not posting any blogs or pics for awhile now. If I do not see any of these things taken care of, then as far as I am concerned, you can all FUCK OFF.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Whichever male pays out the most for my Christmas charity project gets 10 min cam and if US based,my texting number.

10 days til my BIRTHDAY!

 NUMBER 1 DESIRE for my BIRTHDAY is the watch on my wish list ^_^

Saturday, November 3, 2012

An order

Heads up, new items added to my amazon wish list for my Christmas charity project! There is no tangible reason for you boys not to do your part.

On another note, my pvc skirt arrived today!!!!



It appears to be a quality non existent within the majority of males in modern day society. A sense of entitlement has come to the forefront of their deluded mentality. Their thoughts focused upon what a female can do for them, how she can sate his selfish wants. Not once considering that it is his duty to ensure a female's happiness. It is no wonder that a female would prefer the company of a pet rather than a male. A pet does not demand attention 24/7, then sulk when it does not receive it. They desire only to be by your side, their happiness assured from merely being in your presence. They will give and give and give without the expectation of receiving in return. They are a gift of comfort instead of a source of vexation. They care not whether you are in full makeup or leather and lace. These are the reasons why pets trump men. Yes oh yes I know some of you males are of the thought that females need you for sex, as if we are all nymphomaniacs that cannot exist without cock....lmao you obviously forget that thanks to man made inventions (dildo, vibrator etc..) we no longer require you for even that.

Perhaps this is why I am so fond of chastity. It is a form of psychological neutering. It tempers a male's tendency to stray and leads to a docile nature. Suppressing the aggressive testosterone desires and enabling them to become a malleable subject, from hence a more pleasing manpet can be shaped. There is no conceivable reason why a male cannot remain in chastity lifelong, provided that you ensure the health of the prostate. Once past the initial phase of training it is smooth sailing. No more shall you have to listen to the whining and begging for release, or the temper tantrums of how they are deserving of anything other than what you deem necessary. Just imagine a world of well mannered males that seek only to please superior females. How lovely indeed it would be.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Being worthy of service

Males worthy of service are those that come to the hand without force or coercion. They serve out of a sense of adoration, without a need to be cajoled, enticed, or a show of wares. They have an instilled desire to please a superior female. Why would any lady accept or expect anything less? A Goddess knows her worth without allowing a male to define it for her.

There are males of this caliber, it merely requires patience and determination awaiting their arrival. Lowering your standards to accommodate the "do me" males will only lay waste to your time and energy, which is why I refuse to entertain the thought of dealing with any male that is not of the mettle I require. These type of males are most suited to long term service, while "do me" boys disappear before the cum dries on their palm with the thought of you recurring only when their arousal needs attending, and most likely it will not be to you that they bow, for their eye strays to the one who will do and be all that they want.

I see no point in settling for less than I deserve, nor should any other woman. There is truth behind the saying "good things come to those that wait"

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Just received part 2 of the vids from my session with a sissy if anyone cares to watch.

Busy today,and still not up to 100% yet. Online time will be sporadic at best for the day.