Thursday, May 23, 2013

Yes I am a BITCH

It has been relayed to me more than once that I am strict,that I am firm,that I am off setting,and difficult to approach. All of this is true,and all for good reasons which I shall share with you now.

I am strict,because if I am not,then many would attempt to walk all over me,and that simply is not acceptable for me personally. This does not mean that I am not friendly,nor that I lack kindness,it simply means that I am not a doormat Domme whom caters to the desires of the male species. I am firm because if I were not,then my rules and protocol will be disregarded. To serve me a male must accept that it is my way or the highway when offering service. As to being difficult to approach I am  only seen so for those that have no intention of serving anything other than their own fantasies,and these are not the type of boys I want to deal with anyway.

If I did not demand certain behavior from those that approach me,then I would spend all of my time and energy dealing with soul sucking leeches. In the onset of my interim into online domination I allowed myself a period of assimilation to gain my footing so to speak,but from the point where I had a firm grasp upon the schemes and ploys of faux slaves,the BITCH emerged to guard the gate to my inner sanctum. It may seem harsh or even cold, but my tolerance of BS is extremely low. Certain phrases and responses will set off the alarms which indicate to me that I am interacting with a male whom has no place at my feet,and I will decisively dismiss and disengage from any further conversation. Is that truly cruel...NO. Why would I waste my time with one that does not measure up to the standards that I demand of my supplicants? Along that line of thinking I am as well saving said males time as they will be able to drift along to seek out another,so in a way I am being kind.

It has been brought to my attention that many males are shy and find it difficult to approach a Domme to begin with(especially ones that are off setting)...well now to you boys I would say nothing ventured,nothing gained. In school it may have worked out fine for you being a wallflower at the prom, but in this scene,you shall not achieve your goals by hiding out with dust bunnies in the attic. You cannot set around hoping that a Domme will come chase you down begging you to serve her,oh and if one does voila, you have now found yourself dealing with anything but a Domme. Dommes do not chase,which means that you must gather up your nerve to make yourself known to a lady. The sidelines are benches deep full of wankers and true losers,do you truly wish to join their ranks,or did you venture online to actually find a lady to serve? Did you search within yourself and come to the realization that the reason your life seems empty and meaningless is due to a lack of guidance and acceptance from a Domme whom knows your worth and place in life? If so,then you need never fear approaching to serve,for you are exactly the type of male whom is appreciated.

In conclusion yes the term BITCH does resonate with me,but only in the sense that I will not tolerate dishonesty nor insincerity.

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