Friday, June 28, 2013

Your fantasy is not my reality

I know that you boys sit around cruising the majesty of internet porn sites where scantily clad or even shockingly nude females display their bounty of beauty for your visual and physical delight,therefore you have associated this image with Dommes that you come into contact with..alas little vermin the reality is far from your fantasies. I can hear the gasps thrust from your throats,and the disheartened whispers begging for it not to be so,but it is lol.

Did you truly believe that ladies sat around in latex and leather while checking messages,posting tidbits,and tweeting on twitter? How sad and disillusioned if you did. Like most women I actually tend to spend my hours in the clothing I find most comfortable,which is definitely not skin hugging,flesh revealing, tantalizing erotic imagery to tease the senses and cocks of those I choose to share my time with. Boo hoo for me to have shed light and shattered your wank fest daydreams. Seriously though I would hope that none of you lack the intellect to have already grasped this.

Let's dispel some of the other prevailing fallacies shall we. Holy shit guess what! I do not come to park my divine ass in my computer chair fully dolled up with the perfection of make up and coiffed hair either. Those with the powers of observation would have already noted that I seldom share photos of myself glossed to the nines. Quite the opposite,I grant you the privilege of seeing me just as I am...sans artifices. Does this in anyway detract from my appeal? Yes I have no doubt that for some it does,but you know what?? I could care less...and those seeking to serve a flesh and blood Goddess should not either.

Onto the subject of self manipulating masturbation. Rarely and believe me the term rarely is being I ever engage in it. Who the hell came up with the myth that women cannot keep their hands from petting kitties and suffer from extreme nymphomania? Oh ya a man did lmao.
Truth be told,I have a man in my life that meets and exceeds my needs and desires...ergo I have absolutely no craving to do so myself.

I am a mean, angry, abused, misandrist narcissistic bitch that gets off on putting men in their accurate place..ehh no just playing with you. I am not mean(cruel at times when earned),nor am I angry with life or circumstances,just as I bear no hatred for males(my hero in life is one) as for abused sheesh please..and as to narcissistic(nope). I am kind to animals,children and strangers for the most part. How is it then that I dare to call myself a sadistic Goddess if I refute the adjectives most closely aligned with the title? Simple,I love the suffering of (consenting)lowly males for my pleasure..I actually get tingly making inferiors bow to my will in degradation and humiliation. What can I just does it for me!

Now for any of you that swallowed the load dicks keep trying to play off as reality,then do be a good dumbass and give yourself some congratulatory self-flagellation :D

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Do not excuse failure

Why do you set yourself up for failure when it comes to service boys as it could have been avoided?

No one enjoys owning the blame for their mistakes, but 9 times out of 10 it is YOU(sub/slave) and not the other person's(Domme's) fault. I know that many of you enter the scene with the best of intentions yet it all goes awry in a short period of time. It begins so simply with an eager male contacting a female,and this is where the cycle starts. An inordinate amount of you come with not even a minimal comprehension of rules and protocol...this though can be taught...on the other hand a sense of entitlement and lack of respect for yourself and others is a lesson which requires eons of time,and once you combine the 2 it is rarely a combination worth the time and effort required of a Domme to set straight.

I realize that the 18-34 set are more likely to score higher on testing for narcissistic tendencies which accounts for the sense of entitlement so prevalent among you...hence you will note that a majority of ladies do not even entertain training males within that age set. It is not entirely your fault as it has been proven that unfortunately parental and academic figures have aided your delusional fantasies instead of preparing you for the stark reality of life. Rather than relay to you that NO you will never be president, and that the odds are better for you being hit by a car than being a millionaire...they spin a tale that you can have it all and be anything. Well let me tell you that it takes hard work and years of driven ambition to reach standard goals,much less the pinnacle you expect to be your due. Life owes you NOTHING. You will earn every iota of success,just as you will have to earn every reward and accolade a Domme bestows upon you. Laziness,conceit and ineptitude are not positive attributes in life or service.

I am a firm believer that behaviors can be altered if the desire is there. No one that I have ever encountered truly wishes to be seen as a loser in all aspects of I say to you now, you can do better,you can be better. Make a conscious decision that you will learn to be humble rather than arrogant,that you will strive to be selfless rather than selfish,that you will endeavor to live your life in the pursuit of another's happiness,rather than centering your every thought and deed upon what pleases you. One of the downfalls of our society today is the entire hooray for me and fuck everyone else attitudes prevailing. This is not the approach for any male to take. After all being on your knees in front of a Domme is not an ego booster now is it? Learn your place in the hierarchy quickly boys if you sincerely wish to merit the honor of being owned.

The purpose of this blog is not to undermine,but to make you think before you act. Take some time to recognize what you have to offer to a Domme(not just financially) before you utter a word to her,never forgetting that once words are spoken that they cannot be taken back,so always reflect upon what comes out of your mouth prior to releasing it.

As always I hold hope that atleast one person will take my words to heart,and work towards being a better person,and boy for their lady.

Monday, June 17, 2013

One of my favorite poems(learn and live it pets)

Saktisangama Tantra.

Woman is creator of the Universe,
The Universe is her form,
Woman is the foundation of the world,
She is the true form of the body.
Whatever form she takes,
Whether the form of a man or a woman,
Is the superior form.

In woman is the form of all things,
Of all that lives and moves in the world.
There is no jewel rarer than a woman,
No condition superior to that of a woman.

There is not, nor has been, nor will be
any destiny to equal that of a woman;
There is no kingdom, no wealth
to be compared to a woman;
There is not, nor has been, nor will be
any holy place like unto a woman.

There is no prayer to equal a woman.

There is not, nor has been, nor will be
any Yoga to compare with a woman,
No mystical formula nor ascetism
to match a woman.

There is not, nor have been, nor will be
any riches more valuable than woman.

Low self-esteem

What could this possibly have to do with the findom scene? I mean it is incomprehensible that any woman with the title of Princess, Goddess, Queen etc...would ever have this issue is it not? Possibly I am talking out of my ass, but I doubt it.

Why is it that females will notice and exaggerate every possible self perceived flaw they possess? What they see reflected in the mirror at times is in absolute distortion to what the world sees. It has been proven in studies that women view themselves differently than the public does. Why is this?

Could it be that our society demands females to be perfect in form and face? Has the power of the patriarchal parties created a design which strives to keep the egos of what they term less than "perfect" from rising within the scheme of life? Are any that do not meet their standards swept under the rug in order to shame and enslave them to the point mentally and emotionally where they are self conscious to be seen?

Mind you I am not one to follow conspiracy theories at all, but I do believe that systematically throughout time, females have been seen and treated as less than males(numerous history books have been penned to confirm this), and there are those whom will employ any means of doing so.

Now as to how this ties into the fetish I will explain. How many times a day are the ladies here on the receiving end of esteem battering snide insults? Is there any Domme that has not been called one of these terms, fat, ugly, stupid, whore, old, cow, cunt, bitch? No matter how many times we say to ourselves "I could give less than a shit what others think of me" eventually it will sting your pride just as it would any human being. Repeated abuse such as this does produce detrimental effects on any individual subjected to a consistent diet of it.

Yes the males whom sprout negativity such as this are self centered imbeciles, but why do they believe that this type of behavior is acceptable? I think that the media is a factor. Until recent years you never seen a BBW grace the cover of any majorly distributed publication...nor did you see movies where the romantic lead female actor was over 45, and lord forbid that you display a billboard with a female that does not resemble a version of mainstream beauty! Those that consist of the "haves" set the rules as to what is attractive vs unattractive, meaning if you as a woman did not meet or exceed what "they" termed hot, sexy, seductive...then surely no one is interested in seeing you either..therefore you are meant to be unseen much less owning a title of worship, ergo when you refuse to oblige selfish demands you are then subjected to terms intended to put you in your place.

Due to the these factors women have had instilled within that their worth was tied to the physical rather than the intellectual(assbackwards). Ask yourself this, why do women subject themselves to cosmetic surgeries ie breast enlargement, botox, liposuction etc..? Is it because they truly desire the alterations, or have they been made to think that they need to do so to be valued in the eyes of others?

The most pertinent question though is when shall we as strong dominant females get past all of this superficial bullshit? Don't you think that it is time to "stop the insanity"? A woman's beauty is timeless, faceless, and unmeasurable!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Love yourself and be selfless

In a world consisting largely of a population that cares nothing for or about the lives of others not their own has the ability to make life a depressing circumstance,rather than the wondrous experience it was intended to be. I am positive that most of those taking the time to read this are thinking "who gives a shit,bring on the sexy pics and the detailed erotic imagery that words have the power to evoke",if so then switch the channel now,for my focus is not upon human sexuality at the moment.

I many times pontificate upon the subject of how I personally can make a difference. What steps I can take in order to assure that when my golden years arrive I will be able to look back fondly upon my actions,rather than be ashamed that all I accomplished was my own selfish satisfaction. This may come across as rather comical as I am supposed to be a heartless Domme whom employs findom,but if all I allowed to pass my lips were words promoting my Goddess like persona then I would appear quite a one dimensional character wouldn't I? Yes it goes against the grain to advertise that my thoughts and actions are not directed solely towards my own but then I recall the fact that absolutely no action is truly altruistic on it's own.

Do you know that it only takes a moment of your time to enhance the day of another? Do you have a moment to spare,of course you do. Have you ever seen an elderly individual unable to reach an object on a shelf due to the physical constraints they suffer? Would it set your entire schedule off to lend a hand? Or perhaps you have seen a woman carrying her child approach a door...would it affect you negatively to open the door for her? Do you ever stop to wonder if the person your see coming towards you with a frown upon their visage could be enduring a horrific day,and a smile from a stranger might lighten their load for a moment? These are all actions that cost us nothing,yet may enrich those sharing this world with us.

Hopefully if you have stayed with me so far you are gaining a rare insight into how I view life,and others within it...if not then you are most likely similar to Charlie Brown whom hears only blah blah blah when any attempt to school them incurs.

One of the things I encounter frequently these days during interactions with both males and females is self esteem issues,and as my intent today is to enlighten and empower,I offer this bit of advice. Every morning when I wake I think of 3 things that I am grateful for in my life as well as 3 things I love about me. Yes this sounds simple,and you may not believe that it can make a difference,but I do give it credence,and have used this training tool in my own life with success.

Once you realize that you are a valuable human being,then you are better able to spread that light to others,which I hope that you will choose to do.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Forge ahead sisters of the "sinful" fetish

What do you do if that which you seek is not within your sights? Do you forge ahead with the search,or toss up your hands in defeat prepared to settle for less than you deserve or worse yet just give up? The mettle of a human being can be measured by their courage and fortitude to push forward towards the culmination of their goals,or the lack of.

As within many areas of life,this fetish is not one that is without difficulty and judgement. Any expectation of a walk in the park is not only impractical,but farcical as well. Broad shoulders and a thick outer skin are requisite,for you shall undergo periodical bouts where mud is slung your way for no explicit reason other than the title you claim. If your personality and demeanor crumble under the onslaught of castigation I fear that your reign shall be prematurely severed. It takes courage to stand strong in the face of adversity,and this will be tested fear not. Not only will you be harangued by those outside the fetish,but as well from those within. Will your convictions hold up?

One common denominator though is that every lady has undergone her own test of fires in order to have made it past the first year. You are not alone. I would encourage all ladies to hold fast to your aspirations,and to surge ahead without letting go of the goals you set before yourself.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

todays pics and words

Time to choke those wallets semen slugs,and cough up my cash.
Males must learn their place in service to me. My amusement(your pain and humiliation), my pleasure (your $acrifice).

When you realize that your life is no longer all about you,then you are halfway there.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Harsh Honesty

When you start out in the findom scene you want to stand out,yet not in such a way that creates drama or conflicts with the views and opinions of others,and for the last year I have actually subscribed to it,but no longer will I stifle my thoughts or views.

A phrase that came to my mind was by Alexander Hamilton "Those who stand for nothing,fall for anything" Well folks here is where I take a stand.

Everywhere and almost everyone bitches about how the findom scene has deteriorated into a cesspool of spume,and questions why oh why? The answer of comprised of multiple factors.

The very first thing that we see are the attitudes of those whom title themselves submissives...needy demanding toppy creatures who besmirch the distinction of an honored nomer. Why the hell are such vile apparitions even it comes.. $$$. Yes my readers they have been accepted because of money. They have been allowed to buy their way into our realm due to the cash strapped bills due desperation of faux females engorging themselves like fat well fed ticks who joined us during the rinse cycle.

Another ingredient that was added to the stew was the business side of domination infiltrating into findom. An arena where the almighty dollar rules,and whoever holds it sets the rules. In order for findom to ever be what it once was there must be a separation between the sides. This is the part where butthurt feelings will ignite. Cam girls,oh yes they are bitched about constantly...I myself could care less how a lady earns her issue is with those that claim the title FinDomme while doing it. Let me be straight up in your face with this so there are no misunderstandings on my opinion. If you are working as a cam girl,then you are NOT doing findom. You are serving a customer plain and simple. Earning a paycheck. For those who choose to disagree,that is your right,but you are not going to alter my views no matter how much you argue,K, good. You are part of the problem,not the solution if you are being dishonest.. Be honest and proud to do your thang. I am all for empowering other females,but that does not include blowing smoke up your ass.

Now we come to the solution. Education. I know that some ladies are really great about offering up their knowledge on the scene,so why aren't any of you listening. Oh that's right,it interferes with your fantasy of how it should be.

To cut to the chase,boys if you are here to buy a session,or pay for the privilege of seeing some tits and spread vag then you belong on the business side only. You are not a submissive,you are not a slave to anything other than your own dicklust. Venturing into the findom scene is an insult to those who actually embrace it as it was meant to be. And to the females out to make a buck this is not the side for you either. You are money hungry,not money greedy(huge difference). Yes if you are doing it to pay your bills,then you are money hungry. Now I know that we have all seen ladies whom say that their males pay their bills...consider this that half are lying,and half of the other half are fabricating shite,so there are the actual numbers...truly slim.

In closing I would ask all in this scene to consider what you are,and that which you hope to gain from the scene before entering it in order to ensure that you are where you belong. This will saves us all time and aggravation.