Tuesday, December 24, 2013

best boy's Christmas gift to me.

You may think that he remains my best boy due to his frequent tributes,but that is not the reason. Yes he lays his offerings at my feet,but he does so with a humble generous spirit that seeks only my happiness as his goal. He is devoid of a self serving agenda,and has proven to me time and again over this last year that he is worthy of being called mine. he is one of the rare beings that truly understand what it is to be submissive.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Just wanted to post a few pics,not that you deserve to see any of my tithes if you aren't pleasing me $$$

Thursday, December 19, 2013


As human beings we are all prone to experiencing issues whether they be related to our past or present occurrences and circumstances. The one thing that I try never to do is place mine on someone else. It can be difficult to do so,but part of being a soundly mature individual relies upon us being able to separate our problems from others. I belong to multiple forums and sites,so daily I read read and read posts,tweets and the like. Now if I were like some,then I would take personal those that touch upon my own issues,yet I do not do that. I wonder if people even realize that when someone posts something that offends you that they are most likely not even thinking about you when they do so,and your issue is yours alone,so do not attempt to contribute it to another. Own your own hang ups,and work to resolve them,for I guarantee that the person you are attributing your angst to is not thinking one bit about you. This will greatly reduce your stress. Believe me when I say that the only one bothered is you,so why do that to yourself.

Another error I see is the assumptions that are commonly made when it comes to the words of another. It is difficult to accurately convey the feelings and intentions behind our words on an internet post,and by knowing this you can save yourself the aggravation of ASSuming that you know exactly what the other person means,especially if it is something that angers or irritates you. One of the plus sides to being on the net is that you are free to bypass reading material from those that irk you,you can even go so far as to block them from your view,so if you continue to peruse their statements beyond that,then it is on YOU,not them. Personally I have encountered people whom I would not piss on to put out a fire,so I take the high road and refuse to interact with them in any manner,which is what maturity allows you to opt for.

Basically what it all boils down to is that if you abhor my views and words,then bring down the blocking ban,cause I am always going to voice my full strength opinion. No watered down playing to everyone's sensitivities ploys for me. There is no going along to get along in my world. I will always be bluntly honest which means that I will not pretty up my speech for anyone. That also means that you will know exactly how I feel sans the deceit that some mask themselves with. Best advice I can offer is to keep it real,and keep away from those whose realities that you cannot handle.
I seen this on a site today,and to be honest it would do you boys a world of good to read it.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I have an innate and deep seated dislike of males such as this. We all see these little pecker gnats everyday on the sites. How do we come to recognize them? Well let's see...they are the ones that like your posts,comment on your photos,favorite your tweets,and kiss your glorious all to the tune of not a wooden nickel. Why is this....yup they are broke bitches trying to hustle you for your time and attention with actions that benefit you not at all.

I have never and still do not understand why any lady would tolerate such a male in their presence,much less befriend them. Findom is based on finances and domination. One aspect does not stand alone,so ladies if that boy ain't paying he ain't staying.

I apply this as well to owned or under consideration males. Why would a lady waste,and yes I said waste her time conversing with them at all?? Ya I know that I am going to catch flack with that last one,but I really do not care since it is my opinion,and just that. Owned boys are of absolutely no benefit to anyone other than their owner plain and simple. Yes as dominants we are to be teachers,mentors and such...part of a community,but an owned or under consideration male should be taught and mentored by his OWNER. It is not the position of anyone other than her to fulfill those duties. As to the argument that we can be friends with an owned or under consideration male...what is the point? I enjoy friendships with fellow ladies,and that is the continuity I would think that all ladies seek.

Some would say that we have much to learn from the males of the community,and that can indeed be accurate,but the majority of the useful knowledge out there comes from our fellow Dommes.

I honestly detest seeing any female taken advantage of,whether it be her time to wasters,or her energy to the soul sucking leeches whom have embedded themselves within our communities. Always try to keep in mind that if a male is of no use to you,then he is of no use period. This applies to all males.

I do not expect everyone to like my post since my opinions do not coincide with most,but then just like a**holes we all have one :D

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My cm profile post

The world as we know it is flush with an over abundance of individuals with hidden agendas, and less than transparent motivations, therefor I personally see no need nor do I have any desire to compound that issue. That is why I am clear and concise about that which I desire and demand from those that serve me. I purposely leave no gray areas of confusion to center or place blame upon.

To last in my world your motivation must be pure, meaning that if your focus is set upon yourself and self serving gratification, then you shall not be welcomed by me. My pleasure, my gratification, my happiness will be all that matters in service. Release your over inflated ego and opinion of entitlement. Your only worth is derived from how well you serve me, and just as the world at large owes you nothing, neither do I. Accept this as a fact.

I am a superior woman whom expects nothing less than the best from her pets, providers, gents, and boys. As such you are expected to suffer and sacrifice for me in all ways, and yes financially is part of that. Offerings are not optional, they are mandatory. Your generous nature affords you the rare opportunity to become a part of my life, irregardless of how insignificant that role may be, and for that you should be grateful.

Aside from pleasing gifts, I take pleasure in locking the cocks that bow before me, joy in your humiliation and degradation when you entertain me with any acts of perversity I assign you. My amusement is untold when you comply with spoiling my dates as my pantied puss cuck. My laughter overflows as I share your secrets with the men I date, and my closest friends. These are just a handful of my favorite things.

Strike the word force from your vocabulary, as I have mine. Willing and compliant are how I desire the males of my acquaintance. On bended knee with a supplicant giving nature is the only way to beg for my notice.

is your reward.Earn it. is your duty.Provide it. is your purpose Live it. is your mantra. Embrace it.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Appreciation for my best,and disdain for the rest

Goddess woke this morning not feeling well at all,and my best boy decided to put a smile on my face by purchasing an item that I had mentioned that I wanted.
Not only did he go out of his way to make me happy,he will be delivering and assembling it himself this evening while I relax and rest. This is the type of behavior that pleases me most. My best boy knows that his sacrifice is appreciated,and he derives his pleasure from doing for me. This is an integral aspect of any bdsm relationship. Selfless service.
This seems to be a concept that the majority of you "sub" males FAILS to comprehend.

How other ladies train or operate does not affect nor matter to me,so to come before me you must first recognize that your previous experience has no bearing...ie I could not give a flying fig that your last owner allowed you to call the shots,or if she did cam shows,or even filmed clips for you. This is not how I train. Too many times to count I have had people explain to me that I could make more money if I just offered cam shows or opened a nf account as well as filming clips...well little lackeys I shall explain one last time why I shall NOT be going this route.
1)Clips are for clients,and I do not work in sales sooooo ya I am not here to please others or build a clientele base.
2)I am a slave trainer,not an entertainer ergo I do not offer cam shows. There are tons of sites that cater to males whom desire nothing more than to watch females perform on cam as well as plenty of ladies that will watch you perform foul acts for them...I am not nor will I ever perform for the viewing pleasure of any male,nor do I care to watch y chromosome beings shove shite up their arse for free.
3)I do not have a nf account which I gather is odd these days,but then I have never sought to conform to the "norm" expectations,not to mention that phone sex with a beta male would seriously sicken me. I am all about the alpha man when it comes to anything sexual.
As I said,how other ladies do their thing is their business,and power to them always,but NEVER bring those same expectations to my door. I do what I do,and how I do....MY WAY,and only my way.

As esoteric as it sounds I require males at my feet to earn that honored and coveted position. Tossing bills my way will not secure you a stall in my stable. Ya I see alot of the velcro collars going on,but I for one do not offer them. If you want my collar,then plan on expending an inordinate amount of time,energy,and $ to receive it. "Rome was not built in a day",and neither is a successfully functioning D's relationship. Any preconceived ideas that service is effortless and pain free are lazy and unrealistic. Lets be bluntly honest here boys,if you are given things sans earning them,then they are worthless whether it be praise,consideration,or even ownership. You will never have things your way when serving,and if you are looking for fast and ready,then you are setting yourself up for disappointment.