Thursday, February 27, 2014

Making Bank

Ok so I wanted to do something a bit different than my usual here we go lol.

Does anyone remember that famous commercial from the 80's with the elderly lady yelling out "where's the beef?"? It kinda makes me think of the multitude of posts I seeing asking, where are all of the slaves,where are all of the paying slaves,which equates to my mind that these ladies are asking where's the money,so I thought that it was about time to tell you all where the beef is.

If you are looking to make a living from purely findom,then you are as likely to win the lottery. I am not saying that it is impossible,but until you have put your blood sweat and tears into establishing yourself,it just ain't gonna happen. A no name new name female is not going to draw the attention of those capable of sustaining your livelihood,believe it or not,and no matter how many cooch and cleavage pics you put up it is not going to alter the reality of what I am saying. Trust me I have seen it. In fact we all see it everyday. The sites are peppered with all types of fleshy photos daily..yet it does not seem to work,and I get asked why it isn't. The answer is simple. Most males with large amounts of disposable income are more discerning than you think. I mean there are too many to count sites where you can see scantily clad,even nude female forms for why would they pay you?? You have to have more going for you than a hot little body,and your willingness to display it for the populace. Make sense?

There is a place for all ladies in the scene,even those that are here for the money minus the domination angle. I can almost hear the gasps which that comment elicits lol. Straight up,I want all ladies to succeed. This is the way I see it,if you are in it strictly for the income,then sitting on sites day in day out is not going to get you where you want to go,but I will direct you to the path of providing. I am in no way relaying that you cannot find paying males on the sites,cause they are there,but the odds of them taking care of all of your wants and needs is highly unlikely. Just saying.

Selling content is where you want to be if you are going to make a living at this. Clips are one of the best ways to get your name out there and establish a clientele. They do not have to be HD if you cannot afford it in the beginning,but eventually you will want to invest in yourself. Now some of you are thinking what the hell...clips are cheap. This is true for the most part,but sell enough of them,and you will laugh your way to the bank. The key is to be continuously updating and producing new content. Just google,and you will find a few established companies to sell your content through.

Onto PSO work. Now there are a few companies out there,but your best bet is to find a reputable one that does not take a huge chunk out of your profit,and allows tribute to be paid to you through their site. Starting out fresh you are not going to be able to charge the big bucks per minute,but as I keep saying,once you have established yourself,you will be able to command more and more. The more calls you take,and the better your feedback is,you will make a name for yourself,and garner more attention for yourself,which equates into $$$$ for you.

Selling cam sessions is another way to make bank. Mind you that you are not selling yourself short on pricing. A cheap lady is just that CHEAP,and that is not a desirable tag to earn. Now I am not telling you to go straight out Diva on it,but anything less than $50 is not going to elevate your reputation. I would advise doing this through the PSO site you sign up for until you can strike out on your own. Too many cam sites are putting ladies out there at cutthroat pricing,and you do not want your name associated with that,not to mention that you must value yourself above pennies on the dollar.

This is not the entirety of all you need to do,but that is all I have time for today...hope I did not ruffle too many feathers.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Money doesn't make you number 1

Becoming a Domme's number 1 boy often requires more than money. Sounds a bit contradictory in a fetish such as findom, but then you must never forget that domination is part of the equation as well. Now I am not about to say that a male whom is only tributing in the double digits has a chance in hell of aspiring to that honored rank, cause believe me money will always matter to a large extent, but it is not the end all.

How then is a male to earn the title? Well certain qualities are an added incentive to your resume,one being loyalty. Do you know the meaning of that word, and do your actions and thoughts embody the definition of the word? If not, then you have a tremendous amount of work to do, because if you cannot be loyal to one lady for the length longer than a session, then surely you are not worth a pot of piss when it comes to forming a lifetime commitment. Of course there are plenty of one off males, and session addicts, but these are not the roads which one would traverse to become the coveted number one boy.

Dedication is yet another quality. It is a conscious step one takes to selflessly devote their life to serving a specific chosen lady. Your dedication will aid you in remaining loyally true.

Integrity of the highest caliber is a prerequisite. Any type of misrepresentation of self or intent is unacceptable. If you are not able to be honest with at least yourself, then what worth do you possess, none.

Respect for one's self and others makes you stand out in a sea of contemptful oafs. Why would any lady accept you into service much less a permanent position if you disrespect others thereby casting a shadow of doubt upon her reputation as an owner.

Self-control is a requirement. In a power exchange control is relinquished, but the control I refer to is that which allows you to remain loyal, dedicated, honest and respectful. If one possesses self control over their words and actions, then they are less likely to fall prey to the bouts of momentary weakness which can wreak havoc upon a D'd relationship.

Intelligence is most prized in a servant. This does not mean being egotistical, vain, or arrogant. It refers to possessing the required intellect which allows you to become an individual worthy of conversing with, merely than an idiot whom is tolerated.

Humility is ever so attractive. To serve is to accept the rightful dominion of your being, thereby accepting that you are less than her in the scheme of life. Humility washes away the stench of male ego, which has no place in this type of interaction.

Generosity of spirit, time, and finances. Your duty is to supply that which your lady requires, requests, or demands. Being stingy is an ugly behavior always keep that in mind, for do you not desire to be upon your best behavior with your chosen one?

The list may appear long, but all are of importance if you ever hope to attain a unique status.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A society of shallow hals

Disclaimer:The views and statements reflected within this post are solely those of the writer's observations and studies,therefore may not reflect the opinions of the entirety.

As a whole our society has become nothing if not one comprised of those that base an individual's value off of appearance. To be considered of worth especially if you are a member of the female gender,then you must fit into a set mold established by elitists males. As to the physical attributes considered most desirable,one merely has to look to a young girl's toy...a barbie. The epitome of perfection is actually one which has been proven scientifically to be unattainable lest the subject considers the removal of a few ribs and plastic surgery to be acceptable options in attaining this body. Is the desire and appreciation of the male gender worth the agony of such an endeavor? I think not,but then mine is not the prevailing opinion.

Every day women undergo painful procedures to enhance,alter,and radically change the way their faces and bodies look. But why...this is always the burning query within me. Why do females set out to fix that which is not broken? I have heard many women deny that their actions are a reflection of an attempt to garner male approval, but I find doubt within their proclamations. The main explanation given is that they do so to feel better about themselves, but why do they feel bad about their appearance to begin with if not other than they have been led to believe that you are less attractive and viable if you do not have ample breasts, a rounded posterior, a wrinkle free face or zero cellulite upon their body?

We have become so fixated upon the outside that we neglect that which truly reflects our worth as a human being, and believe me when I say that we all age, and time will take it's toll upon a body, so why torture yourself trying to fit into a mold...especially one designed by males to arouse their ardor? The standards of beauty have changed throughout time, but one thing remains the same, and that is that women do possess the option of saying, fuck you shallow hals because I am beautiful just as I am. It is possible to change the way beauty is perceived, but the path of doing so will not be through conformity.

Even a healthy ego will be dinged when there is a failure of appreciation. This occurs even within the fetish realm sadly, but then people are people regardless of the situation, and carry with them societies ingrained views of perfection. Do we not see this shallowness perpetrated every single day? I do. Ask yourself a simple question, if every woman looked and acted exactly the same, would this not make us a society of drones feeding the male sex, perhaps similar to the renowned movie the stepford wives?

Rather than beating yourself up over what shallow people perceive as flaws, celebrate that which makes you unique, and I guarantee that you will grow to love yourself for who and what you are. No one and I mean no one is perfect in all ways, but if you allow your mind to dwell upon supposed imperfections, then you will never see your true worth, which is priceless. Don't you think it is time to break away from the standards set by others and shatter the shallow mold? I do. It is simpler than you think to do. Get up every morning, stand in front of your mirror and say to yourself, I am beautiful, and I will accept nothing less than the appreciation I am deserving of. Now banish those from your life that treat you as anything less than the Goddess you are, and tell the hals of the world to fuck themselves for you are a flesh and blood woman, not a child's toy!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Insults slide off of thick skin

Oh how I wish that disgruntled males would cease with the profane insults which appear to be ingrained within their psyche to spew forth from their cockgobbling orifices when they are rebuffed. It is so very base,but then what should ladies expect from inferior creatures? Resorting to such behavior is indisputable proof of diminished intellect and maturity. Is this truly how you wish to be viewed by the world at large,or perhaps since your juvenile antics are confined to online,you believe yourself safe from exposure and reprisal. Either way you should know that after such episodes that your name,user id,maybe even your photo,and email address will most likely be recorded for future reference,or the information might even be shared with fellow ladies to prevent them from being exposed to vile cretins such as yourself. What you should be asking yourself is if one moment of childishness is worth whatever repercussions you sow. Whatever you believe to the opposite,the findom scene is smaller than you think,and word does get around quickly.

What I sincerely do not understand is why such experiences occur in the first place. I know that I for one do not make a habit of approaching males for service like a lady of the night whom treds the sidewalks. They come to me begging to serve,to tribute,to please if they are begging with their money are they not the plebs trying to buy their way into my company? They are attempting to sell themselves into my service,so how is it that the words whore and moneygrubber suddenly are volleyed into my court? Believe me boys when I say that no respectable Domme sells herself to you,she does not accept tribute for sexual services,which is the definition of whore in the dictionary,which leaves me pondering how we come to this point. Could it be that your poor inflated ego just cannot accept that you are not so very special and in demand that any lady would deny you? If that is the case,then you need to check yourselves.

Insulting a woman is never going to make her change her mind about you plain and simple. Of course there are select groups of males whom employ this tactic to elicit a humiliating response though,so maybe this is the intended course you have set forth upon,but be warned little worms that rarely and I do mean rarely does this actually work to your favor,as a lady with a grain of sense does not give away even her disdain for free. You crave to be put in your place,then pay for it like a big boy. Do not sniffle and lash out when you cannot get your way. Be a man and figure it out. If you want to serve,and you crave the degradation of service,then show proper appreciation in the only form of currency which counts when engaging in interactions with a FinDomme $$$$

Friday, February 7, 2014

Assigning Priorities

One of the very first lessons you must learn in order to serve me is that I am always and will eternally be your first priority. Anything less is unacceptable,and will find you relegated to my past rather than my present or future.
This is one of the main reasons why I have such difficulty accepting into service the "al bundy's" of the world. I consider myself selfishly gifted,meaning that I place my wants and desires before all others,just as you are expected to if you crave to remain in my realm. This is definitely not me being harsh,instead it is a statement of blunt honesty. I would not wish to have any believe that I have misrepresented my intentions,so I make a point to be quite forthright about my expectations.

In order to make me your top priority you will need to relinquish your misguided male ego...believe me you do not need it anyway. Your worth shall be based on how well you please me,not how highly you think of yourself,so kick your ego and sense of entitlement to the curb. Never doubt that I will assign you your level of self esteem.

The life you are drifting though right now has no meaning,no are merely existing until you accept your purpose,which is serving. There can be no happiness,no sense of contentment if you are selfishly dwelling on this earth. Know that your wealth,and possessions are like that of a spoonful of dirt on your tongue...leaving a bad taste in your mouth until you take the steps to right your path...the journey which begins with you on your knees pleading to please me,so come my little ones and warm yourself by the flame of the Goddesses desires.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Female supremacy

Oh how the subject evokes such a ball jerk reaction across the globe. It seems that males take exception to the reality of a strong dominant woman whom knows herself superior to them. The delicious crush to that sensitive ego is the icing on the cake. Unfortunately it is not only males that take affront to the female supremacy vision...alas even some females are offended by it. As a staunch believer I cannot fathom why other women would find offense,unless their views are based upon the patriarchal beliefs that most of us were raised under. How many times have women been told that they must defer to a man's decision,that they must play to a male ego,that they need a man in order for their lives to be fulfilling? Once I was able to see the ways in which women have been misled,I adopted the belief not of anti-man,but instead that of being pro-woman.

I am not one to judge or condemn others for their personal views especially my fellow femmes,nor do I expect to have my stances condemned merely because they do not align with the majority of the populace. What I would advise though is that if one wants to render derision that they take the time to educate themselves upon both sides not merely the side they stand upon. There are some truly enlightening books and articles regarding female supremacy if you just take the time to check them out. Of course I do not expect to convert the world to my way of thinking,but I would hope that as rational beings we are able to make informed decisions for ourselves rather than embracing the sheeple mindset.

I have spoken on this subject prior,to find it not received well..but that has not altered my desire for women to embrace the strength they possess,and to empower themselves. A common misconception is that female supremacists are misandrists which cannot be said for all,just as one cannot conceivably state that any group consists of members that are exactly the same in every thought. I for one do not possess any hatred for males,disdain for the majority yes,but not hate is to relinquish power,which I would not tolerate from myself. I am frequently queried as to why I hold the view that men are inferior,and the response is simple. Any being that is led by their sex is weak. I myself adore sex with alpha males,but I would not allow myself to be controlled by my desire for it. My decisions are never ruled by my libido,can any male truthfully make that statement?

One of the things that I see most often which saddens me the most is that not only does the patriarchal system degrade,downplay,and deride us,we as women are guilty of it as well. How often do you see females lashing out and insulting other females? Every day I see it,and it sickens me to the core of my being. We need to ask ourselves why we feel the need to call others ugly,skanky,stupid etc... I have always believed that it is because males set it up that we see other women as our competition rather than comrades. I mean seriously think about it,does it make one woman look superior if she is tearing down another female?? Hell no it does not. In fact it makes the victimizer appear weak instead. If only all women were able to break the vicious cycle,then they would see that as a whole we are superior. For one day I ask my fellow sisters to truly see the beauty,wit,and intelligence of the ladies in the scene rather than giving into the weakness programmed into them to strike out in any way to attempt to eradicate those whom elicit feelings of jealousy,for jealousy is such a soul destructive emotion. Celebrate the worth of all women,and you will find yourself elevated in the process.