Thursday, December 8, 2016

A kind Dominatrix

When people hear the word Dominatrix,they automatically associate it with leather,latex,a whip,and a badass attitude. This is a common misconception. I assure you that this is definitely not how I am dressed sitting here typing this post up. In fact no one would ever gain that impression from seeing me out on the street in everyday life,nor would they make that connection from speaking with me. I do not walk around with RBF,or shout orders at those in contact with me. In fact I make a point of not raising my voice in anger ever. Ironically I become very soft of voice when I am vexed. Maybe that is because I am biting my tongue ferociously lol.

My posts,and speech online do tend to come across as aggressive and authoritarian. I have never denied that I am blunt in my approach,but it is always tempered in honesty. I would rather dent an ego than tell a lie. If a male is not remotely suitable in personality,or compatibility towards serving me,than I will simply make it known. Not that I am cruel in relaying the information,it just is truth,so why would I want to waste my time,or his by dragging it out? That would make absolutely no sense at all. In fact that would be quite unkind in my eyes to convey hope where there is none. I have had a great many males approach me with the offer of friendship extended,but once again I come across as an uber bitch when I politely decline,not because of the words I say,but because no one likes being told no. I can honestly state that I am not going to become best buddies or friends for life with the males I encounter online. I have a plethora of real time friends who meet my needs for camaraderie,so this is definitely not something I seek out online.

What I do aspire to achieve from my online explorations is to form lasting connections with those that see and feel the correctness of serving me. These relationships may indeed lead to real time interactions at some point,but I must always be clear in saying that none of these relationships will lead to the altar,or a meeting of parents,or a joining of the flesh. Is it not kind to be real about my expectations,and exactly what you can count on with me?

You can count on me to never scream at you,to not lie to you,to not have hidden agendas,to never perform actions which will leave you irreparably harmed,to display respect when respect is given. These are my promises. What I will not promise is to coddle your ego,or stroke any sense of entitlement you may harbor with untruths. Is this being unkind?

Whilst I will not vow undying friendship for you,I will share that I do come to care for those that serve me,just not in a sexual or romantic manner. I grow fond of those males who have proven their value to me,so yes it is true that I will not dub you my bff,I will call you my own if you earn it.

How much kinder do I need to be?

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