Saturday, July 6, 2019

Failure is an option

Hello hello precocious poppets

Many times over many years we have all heard the phrase "Failure is not an option", yet it is unequivocally false. Failure is most definitely an option, and most often it is the one we learn the most from.

I loathe breaking it to you, but I am just as human as you are lol, and have made plenty of mistakes in my lifetime. I have undergone failed ventures many a time, and actually came out better on the other side of them. Why? Well poppets, success comes from failure, that and a gut load of determination. 

An intelligent individual knows that failure highlights errors, which allows insight into necessary change. Once you know which steps led to your downfall, you can make the adjustments needed for success. Isn't that wonderful!!

So, perhaps you now understand that failing is not always a bad thing. 

When it comes to serving a woman in a submissive capacity, it is only natural for you to strive towards perfection since your Lady is due to receive your very best, but I am telling you in all honesty that you will fail at times. It is going to happen, but how you handle it, and how you choose to get past it determines the core of your character. 

Are you the type of man who gives up when he trips up, or are you the man who dusts himself off, and gets right back at it? Hopefully you are the latter.

I myself have always viewed mistakes as opportunities, as should you. Yes, failures are discouraging, and you might even feel like a dumbass when they occur, but if you stew in the brew of them, you will never achieve your goal, which should be providing the very best service possible. You can do it! You just have to want it more than anything :) so stop hiding behind your past mistakes, and get to serving your purpose in life. Oh and in case you were wondering what that purpose is (drum roll).....serving Sydney Claire!!!

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