Saturday, January 26, 2013

Introverted dominance in an extroverted ruled world.

As the title suggests, this piece is about being an introverted Domina in a world where extroverts are lauded as the rule. One misconception that must be addressed is that shyness is not synonymous with introversion. Most assume that an introverted individual is merely shy, and in need of being brought out of their shell so to speak which is not always the case. While there are of course some that are shy as well, it is not a conclusive fact for all. A further fallacy is that introversion equates to being anti-social. Most introverts do indeed socialize, just on a more personal scale. They prefer an intimate gathering rather than a full out body crushing no room to breathe party. As well they are noted for having excellent listening skills, and emotional intelligence. In fact some of the greatest minds in history have been proclaimed introverts, such as Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, and even Mahatma Ghandi, which puts me in good company I believe. If you had not put 2 and 2 together yet, I am myself an introvert, which most would not recognize unless they had spent a great deal of time interacting with me, and that is an honor not accorded to the greater populace. The most notable difference between myself and an extroverted Domina is that you will rarely see me actively communicating in chatrooms for the most part. I am content to sit back and soak in the details others relinquish. You will neither find me at the clubs getting my groove on, as large gatherings tend to zap my energy, and require me to retreat for a day to regroup. This does not mean that I am a house hermit though. I do go out and enjoy myself, just on a smaller scale, and I actually adore getting together with a select group of friends in a laid back environment. While I will never be the type of female whose actions and words scream out "look at me", I will be the one whom once known will be seen as having still waters that run deep. Have you ever been told to be wary of the quiet ones for you never know what they are plotting, planning, or thinking lol. Strangers that encounter me would never guess that my fondest activity is bringing pain to submissive males, nor that I silently laugh at the humiliation of those whom undertake degrading tasks for my pleasure. My style of dominance cannot be viewed by the world, but those that have earned the honor of being at my feet know full well that it is my hand which holds the reins. So the next time you spy a female sitting back watching the crowd, think back upon my words and ask yourself, is she merely shy, or could she be contemplating how lovely you would look wearing the stripes from her whip.

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