Serving is not a means of running away from your life. It is meant to be about embracing a new way of living your life.
It saddens me when I read profiles posted and penned by males seeking an outlet which will release them from the responsibilities of their present situation,especially the ones that beg to be taken away from their spouses and children. You cannot and should never expect a Domme to be like that of a fairy Godmother whom swoops in and transports you away to her dungeon in the sky where you are relieved of all the burdens you through your decisions in life were responsible for. Be realistic it simply does not work that way,and why in creation would a Domme even desire a slave whom fails to meet the needs of those dependent upon him? A slave is meant to be a thing of joy for his owner,not a headache,nor a source of frustration.
You cannot run away from life and your imagined mistakes period. If your happiness and fulfillment in life are outweighed by your overall level of dissatisfaction, then get off of your ass and make the necessary changes to fix it! Never expect someone else to clean up your messes.
Whether you realize it or not,serving is an intense experience as well as a great degree of responsibility. Your mindset resolved to pleasing someone other than yourself which is an honored responsibility,therefore it should not be undertaken by those whom fail miserably to protect and provide for those under their care. When you are in service you are able to release control and worries,but it absolutely does not absolve you from doing your duty for those you are accountable to.
One of the biggest attractions of dominant women is that they are responsible with their time and decisions. They do not depend upon others to resolve issues in their lives. In a manner of speaking,they are strong enough to take life by it's balls and own it. So if you are pining your hopes of a better life upon the strength of a woman "fixing" your life minus any involvement or action on your part,then you are setting yourself up for a serious reality check when it never happens. Take note, you will NEVER be worthy if all you have to offer is issues!
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