Sunday, July 28, 2013

Clarification regarding real time

After a brief exchange with a "foot boy" the other day I found there to be a basic misconception regarding my core stance upon domination which I feel the need to clarify in order to possibly deter future misunderstandings.

The male in question informed me that as a FinDomme I was leaving hundreds perhaps thousands upon the table as I would not relay guarantees to boys that they will indeed without doubt be given the opportunity to worship my peds in person. At first I was taken a back just a smidgen when I read his response, but in the end I merely shook my head as this person surely did not grasp how utterly out of character this type of assurance would be for one such as I.

To begin with, he assumed that I view domination and business as interchangeable terminology, which I do not. At no point have I ever approached the lifestyle in this manner, nor do I intend to. Dominance is ingrained within my personality irregardless of whether I ever take on another submissive boy in service, and from my point of view treating those whom come to me as impersonal tools which fortify my bank account is cold and methodical, and that is NOT suited to my style. It is mere conjecture that all Dominas whom employ findom are creatures of cold disposition and dispassionate hearts. In fact, coming to care for those whom dedicate their lives to pleasing me is as natural as breathing on my part.

As to the reference of guarantees, those are never a given from me. I lack ESP therefore I have not the knowledge of which boys shall fail during the mandatory probationary period I set. If I were in possession of such facts, would I not refuse those that I foresee not making the grade thereby saving myself the time and effort required to train them? I guarantee that I would. As I do not though, the only promise I offer is that if my mandates are met during the entirety of the minimum 3 month period, then I will set aside a block of time in order for a real time meet. The bottom line is this: real time opportunity hinges upon your behavior, and in the end it is your actions which will either ensure or negate your chances of being at my feet.

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