Saturday, August 3, 2013

Who is an insta?

Warning,this post is comprised of my thoughts,views and opinions,which may not coincide with those of the average reader of findom articles.

After reading through the comments section on a dose post the other day one comment caught my attention by hex kitten that inspired me to write up a piece myself regarding the term "insta" Domme.

What is an insta Domme, or perhaps a more pertinent question would be, who is an insta Domme? The word insta is a term, an adjective, and an insult spoken with a vile vehemence not unlike that of the despised "timewaster".  It is slightly more offensive to be coined an insta,than it is to be accused of being a male posing as a female.

Why is one such as this reviled? Could it be due to their actions setting the tone and blackening the opinions of those outside the fetish peeking in? Findom as a whole is vastly misunderstood with the bdsm community comparing the Dommes whom embrace the fetish as money grasping prostitutes. This myth is in part perpetuated by the posts, blogs, and tweets we read each and every day which incorporate behaviors that align with one whose sole means of income is sitting along the curb with a tin cup. Begging is degrading no matter how you desire to explain it. Ask yourself this, do you honestly believe that people have any respect for the downtrodden asking for spare change, or do they secretly scoff at how pathetic they are? Humans beings are not always known for their compassion now are they? I myself have seen posts where females have indeed made it known that they are themselves living life in such a way, and this is how strangers form the basis of their opinions regarding financial domination. Does this define a female as being an insta though? Can a poor lady not have a cash fetish?

Actions and deeds or lack thereof are the measuring stick of who becomes labelled and who escapes it. The general consensus I have taken note of is that there is more than one way to fall into the category. Some would condemn any female new to the scene whom is lacking any type of domination experience as an insta, while others may assign it to the ladies who came along after watching a certain british program that we have all heard of hence the rinsing term,  not to mention being applied to cam girls offering findom as well.

So now I ask of you the reader what is your definition of an insta? Is it a female that merely desires money (keep in mind that ALL FinDommes desire cash)? Is it a female that disappears after the session ends (forget not that this is what most males do as well)? Is it a female that needs rather than wants the money (do you work all week at your job because you need or just want your paycheck)?

Irregardless of why and who you as a member of this scene declare an insta do not allow yourself to believe that they have no place in findom. Some would argue that such females are cutting into their bottom line...taking money out of their pocket, but are they really? Think about it this way. They are the ones dealing with fetish males whom have nil intentions towards serving in any financial capacity as well as those that are here for the flesh flashing, so in the end if they do make bank does it affect your bank balance? Ladies that have invested time and effort into their skills and level of domination are not going to feel the adverse reaction from the presence of the instas, in fact it in many ways elevates their status.

In conclusion I remind all not to waste your judgement in haste of those whom you have no knowledge of. You never know, and it is possible that those you condemn might actually evolve into a Domme of distinction someday.


  1. Here is what a Insta Domme is., Who is an Insta Domme? and what an Insta Domme does.

    An Insta Domme is often also known as a fake domme. However, not always. Because a insta domme can be a n insta domme yet not realize she is a insta domme or in fact, may consider herself a real (true) financial dominant.

    The term itself: Insta Domme has been around since the FD interest hit the internet back in the late 1990′s.

    O.K so the definition:

    An Insta domme is typically a person usually a woman who does a random online search., She then comes across (usually by accident or chance), the subject of financial domination. She then briefly explores what FD is and then decides that she will try out the financial domination interest. She may think instantly. “Wow! Guys pay for that?” “I can do that!” She then sets up an online persona which is usually very different than her real life personality. (But not always different).

    If she is pretty she may find it quite easy to set up something like a Niteflirt or C4S account and possibly make some pretty good money. Her words she typically will use are “Pay Me!” She may announce her involvement in the blackmail fantasy as an example. Typically, Instas get involved in the foot fetish. For some reason I have observed those in the foot freak category are the first to pay her.

    Typically the guys who send her money are not really money slaves but more in the wannabe or dabbler category or simply just preverts. (Anthony Weiner and Carlos Danger types).

    Most instas seem to have a very childish mentality. They typically range in the 18 to 21 year old category. Sometimes can be older. Instas often make it a point to let people know they have a boyfriend. Which they will then announce that you can pay for their dates. Or visit her boyfriends wish list. Again, the childish nature comes out.

    Instas are not usually smart. However, if they are pretty they can get by on their attractiveness. Fortunately, Instas often do not stay very long and usually quickly leave the FD interest. Some may find that the Sugar Daddy interest is more profitable.

    I have often over the past five years or so seen a lot of insta dommes coming from the U.K.

    Instas have very little true financial domination characteristics. So most experienced practitioners of FD can spot them within a few sentences of communication with them or just from their words they use to describe themselves in their profile. True FD’s typically have a very unique personality and are natural to the FD interest. Instas usually lack that characteristic.

    However, be warned. Not all instas fall into that easy to understand package or in the standard definition. Some may be very good con artist who know they are fakes but are able to ply their trade among the accepting and gullible. However, that can be open for debate.

    In conclusion: Instas and fake dommes though similar, have differences. A insta typically does not know she is a insta domme. She may even think she is doing what FD is supposed to be and is practicing the standard FD practice. A fake domme on the other hand may even know she is fake. However, finds FD as a good way to make money being someone she is not.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts upon the subject.
