Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Conversion of compliments

Some of you gents seem convinced that doling out compliments to a FinDomme is the same as paying a tribute..uh NO. Compliments which I have heard droning over and over for years and years do not touch me on any level, in fact they irritate me. I do not need nor desire compliments. My ego is not suffering in the least, and you will not earn any brownie points conveying them. What I want is tangible proof of adoration. Save the words, send the cash.

Aww I can hear the moans and groans now..."she only cares about the money" "she doesn't want a real connection". There is truth, yet there is falsity in those statements. It is not just about the money, it is about what the money represents. Money is power..it is the tangible proof of adoration..it tells me that you are willing to sacrifice for me..that you are sincere in your claims of submission to my will..it is a selfless gesture which screams out for my attention, and that is your goal is it not? Your uppermost goal should be my happiness, and sacrificing financially for me is the surest way to incite my bliss. You want to please me don't you? There can be no "real" connection if you are not  sacrificing for my happiness.

Money is the lubricant that coats my gears..it whets my appetite to delve into the darkest aspects of your submission. You want me slipping into your subconscious don't you? You want me so far into your soul that you do not know where I end and you begin. You want my will guiding your life and decisions. There can be no you without me, and there can be no we without sacrifice. Sacrifice for Mz Sydney.

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