Thursday, August 8, 2019

PP is never an option

Whoever you are, and wherever you may be...Welcome

Welcome to the femdom world of Sydney Claire

I am who I am, and you are who you are, so let's get down to the basic of what this post is geared towards today. know what paypal is yes? Paypal is a US based payment processor. It is a powerful and far reaching company. The main thing to take note of with pp, is that they are NOT fetish friendly, so if you are looking to pay or receive tribute, look elsewhere. They will not tolerate your business. In fact, they will shut your account down, and hold your funds for an indefinite period.

I realize that some do indeed still use pp for receiving tribute, but the majority of those who do, will tell you that they do so only with trusted contributors. What this should tell you straight away, is that if you are unknown to a Domme, than she is NOT going to offer up her pp addy for tribute. Yes there are exceptions, but the only females I have seen posting their addy's are newbie women who have no clue that this is a massive mistake. I am not one, so for the male who messaged me asking about you know, and either you are new, or you thought foolishly that I was. Sydney Claire is not a fool, doll, so try again by sending an amazon gift card to

Do you know who tries to send pp tributes? Scammers. Yup I said the S word. I have lost count of the number of women who trusted a male to send via that method, only to either have the charges disputed, cancelled, or even sickeningly find out that the male in question had reported them to pp to have their account locked. This is why a huge red flag pops up before my eyes when any male suggests this avenue of tribute. You do not want me believing that you are a lowlife scammer do you? Of course not, so forget you ever thought to bring pp up to me :)

Amazon gift cards are always going to be the required route of tribute when it comes to gifting me! In the past I allowed males to purchase from a WL for me, but those days are gone. Why? Well for a couple of reasons. 1)Amazon now provides the sender with photo proof of delivery, which often displays an address. 2)Amazon WL gifts can be cancelled right after purchase, and up to shipping date. Have I ever had this happen to me, NO, but neither will I take the chance, so just be the bestest boy and send the gift card ;)

In fact, you should send lots and lots of gift cards, because you and I both know that I deserve them, and you exist to please me. Isn't it wonderful that you serve a gloriously divine purpose in my life?? Yay you!! Now get on giving meaning to your life by serving Sydney Claire :)

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