Good evening guys and gals..
Welcome to my spliced slice of the femdom sphere!
I am your host and most beloved Goddess, Sydney Claire
As the title of this post denotes, we (meaning I) am going to talk about how to make kinky connections. Now the connections I am referring to are not networking connections. I am speaking to the connections between Dominants and submissives.
Connections require time, effort, and trust. Ya ya ya, I know that some of you gents will loudly proclaim that you felt an instant connection with a Dominant, but that my poppets was lust. A lust to serve, to belong, even a lust to cum. It is most definitely not the type of connection which endures and deepens into a long term bond. This type of connection can be felt with numerous Dominants a day, ergo nullifying any significance.
Many a D's relationship will begin in the flames of cock wrenching lust, but the majority will sizzle and fizzle out like a cock snuffed of semen. It is what it is. Your intentions and focus determine whether or not something meaningful evolves from the exchange. If your goal is to get off and get going, than that is exactly what you shall do, regardless if the Dominant is predisposed towards erecting ties that bind you two. You do maintain a degree of control as to which way it all shall go. You can opt to do more, to be more. How? By reigning in control of the greedy instantaneous pleasure seeking skin sac bulging in your groin. Cut off power to it's circuitry, and open up dialogue which spotlights the Dominant as the focus of your full attention.
Take the time to get to know your prospective Dominant as a human being, rather than as the fetish dispenser most submissives view them as. Ground yourself with the truth that good things do come to those who possess patience. Patience is a powerful tool. Cultivate it carefully.
Meaningful relationships are not created within a night, or with a solitary tribute. You must be willing to invest your time and energy if you desire the intimacy of a Female Led Relationship. Just remember that if it comes easy, than it will dissolve as quickly as it came. The submissive you imagine as "lucky" is actually the submissive who has spent months, even years proving his intentions and supplying his unwavering devotion to a Dominant. I promise you that luck had nothing to do with his situation. He earned his current position through hard work. Are you prepared to do the same?
Locating a Dominant that is a good fit is difficult, and it should be. Yes little doves, you can wink your one eyed monster and find a woman to sate the demands of your mystery manmeat, but the emptiness of such an exchange leaves more than your balls depleted.
Social media, and risky even the not so risky news outlets publish pieces on how the casual connection is so much more fun, and sexy. That you should be the butterfly flitting around flower to flower depositing your nectar, but in the end, where does that leave you? It definitely does not bring a sense of fulfillment. It doesn't serve a higher purpose. It brings no lasting meaning at all.
What casual will do, is turn you into an empty shell that eventually will crumble and scatter in the wind. Anxiety and depression are the bedfellows of casual. Why would anyone want such a future for themselves?
My intent is not to rag on you, or make you feel bad, but do I think that this type of behavior is bad for you, YES. Human beings need connections. They need to feel a sense of belonging, and acceptance. They need the meaningful. Without meaning, a life serves no purpose. It becomes a wasted story best untold. Does that sound sexy? Does it sound like the recipe for happiness and success?
Perhaps you are not yet in a place upon your journey where maturity has bit you on the caboose, but fear not, you shall someday get there. Once there you will see that casual is cold and soul sucking worthless. It is then that you shall seek out only those whom have the possibility to mean more than a momentary erectile eruption.
I myself am way past the point of entertaining the wastrels of meaning. This means that I hold myself above the game playing BS that youth tend to engage in (and yes I see those of you who are middle aged still living that life). I have no aid, nor hope to offer those who will not see truth, but I do open my proverbial door to those whom possess the potential to become a worthy submissive to me. You games and burn out, or grow up and get to serving your purpose in this lifetime.
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