Sunday, July 28, 2013

Clarification regarding real time

After a brief exchange with a "foot boy" the other day I found there to be a basic misconception regarding my core stance upon domination which I feel the need to clarify in order to possibly deter future misunderstandings.

The male in question informed me that as a FinDomme I was leaving hundreds perhaps thousands upon the table as I would not relay guarantees to boys that they will indeed without doubt be given the opportunity to worship my peds in person. At first I was taken a back just a smidgen when I read his response, but in the end I merely shook my head as this person surely did not grasp how utterly out of character this type of assurance would be for one such as I.

To begin with, he assumed that I view domination and business as interchangeable terminology, which I do not. At no point have I ever approached the lifestyle in this manner, nor do I intend to. Dominance is ingrained within my personality irregardless of whether I ever take on another submissive boy in service, and from my point of view treating those whom come to me as impersonal tools which fortify my bank account is cold and methodical, and that is NOT suited to my style. It is mere conjecture that all Dominas whom employ findom are creatures of cold disposition and dispassionate hearts. In fact, coming to care for those whom dedicate their lives to pleasing me is as natural as breathing on my part.

As to the reference of guarantees, those are never a given from me. I lack ESP therefore I have not the knowledge of which boys shall fail during the mandatory probationary period I set. If I were in possession of such facts, would I not refuse those that I foresee not making the grade thereby saving myself the time and effort required to train them? I guarantee that I would. As I do not though, the only promise I offer is that if my mandates are met during the entirety of the minimum 3 month period, then I will set aside a block of time in order for a real time meet. The bottom line is this: real time opportunity hinges upon your behavior, and in the end it is your actions which will either ensure or negate your chances of being at my feet.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ladies do not chase

Findom in most regards has evolved into what I would compare to that of a roman gladiators arena where one must eat or be eaten to endure. In fighting, backstabbing, and shamefully shallow behavior dominates the image which is portrayed to the vision of outsiders peeking in, yet we question why it is that we are judged harshly. This is no quagmire to be solved, for it is transparently clear as to why the scene and those involved are despised. Dignity and class are attributes which have been pushed to the wayside in the ever elusive hunt for solvent prey.

Ask yourself this, do we present a united front to those whom fail to accept and comprehend this fetish we call our own,or do we appear as haughty desperate for cash eye candy free porn providers whom lack dignity self composure and class? It has always been stated that respect is earned not merely allotted to a title, meaning that our actions must be in accordance with those whom are deserving of respect.

Dominant women are individuals of emotional strength and mental acuity. Their worth is self defined. Their self respect unquestionable. Why is it then that we see females chasing down males for submission? This behavior is antipathetic towards what dominant women stand for. Why then do we see this on every site and media outlet which findom plays out on?

The answer is not a riddle for consider this scenario. If you were to starve a group of 20 human beings for the period of one month, then toss a single cheeseburger into their general vicinity, what would happen? A frenzy is sure to occur now is it not? Of course it is. Now turn your thought to the fact that every single day there are double digit females entering the findom scene hungry for the financial recompense in an arena where you are indeed fortunate to locate a single slave whom has the means to back his words. Are we not taught that "the early bird gets the worm" that the aggressor reaps the rewards,that the bold get noticed? This is exactly what we are seeing, and it is a known fact that conflict does not always evoke the most positive reactions now does it?

How then are we to eradicate the reputation our beloved fetish has been blackened with? Acting and speaking with dignity is a wonderful precursor towards erasing the associated negativity. Resist the impulse to chase down males, thereby placing yourself into the position of power. Never openly bash. It is both inappropriate and demeaning to all parties involved and last but not least, Yes you can be a take no shit Domina, while maintaining a classy approach.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Realistic Responsibility

Serving is not a means of running away from your life. It is meant to be about embracing a new way of living your life.

It saddens me when I read profiles posted and penned by males seeking an outlet which will release them from the responsibilities of their present situation,especially the ones that beg to be taken away from their spouses and children. You cannot and should never expect a Domme to be like that of a fairy Godmother whom swoops in and transports you away to her dungeon in the sky where you are relieved of all the burdens you through your decisions in life were responsible for. Be realistic it simply does not work that way,and why in creation would a Domme even desire a slave whom fails to meet the needs of those dependent upon him? A slave is meant to be a thing of joy for his owner,not a headache,nor a source of frustration.

You cannot run away from life and your imagined mistakes period. If your happiness and fulfillment in life are outweighed by your overall level of dissatisfaction, then get off of your ass and make the necessary changes to fix it! Never expect someone else to clean up your messes.

Whether you realize it or not,serving is an intense experience as well as a great degree of responsibility. Your mindset resolved to pleasing someone other than yourself which is an honored responsibility,therefore it should not be undertaken by those whom fail miserably to protect and provide for those under their care. When you are in service you are able to release control and worries,but it absolutely does not absolve you from doing your duty for those you are accountable to.

One of the biggest attractions of dominant women is that they are responsible with their time and decisions. They do not depend upon others to resolve issues in their lives. In a manner of speaking,they are strong enough to take life by it's balls and own it. So if you are pining your hopes of a better life upon the strength of a woman "fixing" your life minus any involvement or action on your part,then you are setting yourself up for a serious reality check when it never happens. Take note, you will NEVER be worthy if all you have to offer is issues!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Loyalty purchased?

Is loyalty purchased with a revealing photo or words that are aimed at a libido? I think that a moment of attention can and is garnered in such a manner,but is it lasting or lifelong? A male can be and most often is led by his short hairs,but this can be deceiving for if he is vulnerable to the whims of his whacker,then there is no guarantee that he will not trot along behind the next shapely ass or buxom belle now is there?

The bonding which develops into a long term commitment is not and should never be based on the flexing of a male muscle. A relationship with a solid foundation is based upon connections which transcend the physical. A lovely example would be the elderly couples you see everyday. Yesterday at my local mart I happened to notice this cute older male coming around to open the door for his wife and holding her hand throughout the store. Yes I know that many of you will fail to note the connection between this couple and the lifestyle,nevertheless it is apparent to me. Here you have a couple whom most likely is not able to engage in sexual relations any longer,but the bond they forged is all the more stronger since it is not "all about nookie".  BDSM relationships are not dissimilar to a vanilla marriage in that they both require time effort and dedication to withstand the battering of everyday life. So if your basis for serving is a hot body,a slick booty,or a rack that a buck would be envious of,then you might as well be the little piggy whom erected their home out of sticks,as any type of outside influence is bound to blow your exchange asunder and leave you all alone holding your pecker in the dark(oh but wait,that is what you are used to doing right now isn't it?)

Like truly does attract like though,so if you are one without substance and bound by your desire of all that is superficial,then my message falls upon your deaf ears,but if you are one of the few whom craves more than a yank wank festival you will knowingly embrace the meaning within my post.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

ego stroking

Ego stroking is an activity which does absolutely nothing for me period. I realize there are those that require it weekly,daily,or even hourly to bolster their sense of worth,but I am not one such as that. I am supremely confident and secure in who and what I am. In fact I pity those whom need that type of crutch in order to feel good about themselves. Declaring yourself dominant does not negate one's humanity, but it should infer that you have your shit together,and yes that includes your ego.

This is why I tend to disregard missives from males whom bombard the message with layered on compliments such as "you are so hot" "you are gorgeous" "you are perfect" etc.... especially when there is no enclosed tribute to accompany such drivel. My interest in speaking with said male evaporates quicker than sweat in the desert.

Have you boys seriously failed to grasp that compliments do not equate to tribute? Empty words do not feed a cash fetish now do they? Of course not silly. In fact doing so immediately sets off bullshit meters seeing as only the destitute or wank in hand horny fucks bother with this type of approach. Do you truly desire to be classed in with the no class wasters by copying their tactics?

Not to mention that I honestly find it insulting if my intelligence is underestimated in such a manner. It is obvious to me that a male must find attraction to me physically,mentally or emotionally if they are contacting me,therefore he need not gush lyrical accolades about me. That is not to say that males should never compliment a lady,but by all means do so in sincerity,not as a line you employ as means to your own end.

Learning to let go

Random thoughts enter my mind at the oddest moments. Most often when I am no where near my pc and able to type them up before they evaporate into my subconscious,alas this evening though I actually had my laptop near the bath,with the milky vanilla scented bubbles coating my flesh,and a glass of chilled white wine in my hand when inspiration struck.

I thought to myself how like a child are those that come to my feet in earnest devotion towards service. As a child we learn to roll over,to crawl,to stand,and eventually walk. In order to walk though we instinctively hold onto whatever is handy to uphold our balance until we are able to walk without aid. Now as to how this relates to domination allow me to elaborate.

A boy comes to a lady petitioning the opportunity to serve usually without full knowledge of what is to come. Of course he will have studied her words,yet that never fully prepares one for the actuality of submitting to his chosen lady. He stands before her a man. Yet the first step down the path shows him that in her service he is no longer a man,but perhaps a pet,a worm,a bitch,a boy. He is taught that a servant does not stand before their owner,instead he kneels in her presence out of respect. His worldly pride snuffed like a candle in the wind as he sinks further to prostrate himself in abject worship. He has now reverted back to the actions of a child in that no longer shall he walk nor stand...he is reduced to crawling for the rewards he once received as the child whom struck out in independence to ambulate alone. Good boy.

Just as a child learns to let go of their parent's hand to become their own person,a boy must learn to take hold of the virtual or actual hand of his owner and let go of who he thought he was. No longer living his life for himself. Becoming dependent upon her for direction in his actions and thoughts. Her word be done. The goal being for a boy to become a slate wiped clean. Open to suggestion and command. Accepting freely that his will is no longer his own.

I say to you now that if you are stubborn or passive to your fate,then you shall never learn to let go,and if you never let go,then you shall never know the sublime serenity of service.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day trips

Sunday I took a delightful little day trip to Oklahoma...exactly what I needed to relax and unwind. A picnic and water park with my favored man! Unfortunately work schedules are not aligning well for me to take an extended trip this summer :(  Oh well that does not mean that you boys are allowed to slack on paying for my trips. I am thinking that I will plan another little excursion in a couple of weeks,and of course I will want something fabulous to wear,so I suggest you get on sending those amazon gift cards pronto.

Friday, July 5, 2013

A new addition

Yesterday I obtained a new addition to my family so to speak. A female beta fish. Egads how boring a pet many would say, but oh well I do adore her. Beta females are notoriously territorial and will devour those that get in her way or domain (sound familiar)? She is an aggressive species which suits me as well. Do not even think to bring a male within her vicinity if she is not in the mood..for he will be destroyed lol.

Just like me she is already a spoiled princess. A new tank,treats,a special heater to keep her royal ass warm,and a cozy castle retreat to get away from the stress of life. It is not surprising that I dubbed her "The Royal Motherfucking Princess"

I wonder how it dashes the ego of a male knowing that an itty bitty fish shall hold more of my attention and affection that he ever would. Even when he bows and scrapes she shall still amuse me more ;D

Thursday, July 4, 2013

A freak of nature

You know that you are different. You are not the same as your friends and family. Oh how you remind me of these lyrics " One of these things is not like the others,one of these things just doesn't belong,Can you tell which thing is not like the others,By the time I finish my song?"

The secret you harbor which must not see the light of day. A freak of nature hiding in plain sight of the "normals". You spend your nights in fear that others shall see you as you truly are..your guilt plagues you for being unlike others. Your shame remains for the thoughts,fantasies,and dreams which dwell within you.

This my little vermin is why you hide..for if you cannot accept yourself..why would you expect any other to do so? This is why you come crawling on bony knee to the feet of a lady whom might for a moment in time allow you in her divine presence. There is no doubt that she has seen your ilk prior... your humiliation and degradation will at last serve a purpose.

Within the grace of her service you shall be remade and whole into a life of meaning. No shame,no disdain. Acceptance at last.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

pic"e for today

“Man is the one who desires, woman the one who is desired. This is woman's decisive advantage. Through man's passions, nature has given man into woman's hands, and the woman who does not know how to make him her subject, her slave, her toy, and how to betray him with a smile in the end is not wise.”

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Love this quote

"You're perfectly flawed, you're perfectly incomplete. Like cracks in the glass, and faded photographs. You're perfectly flawed, you're perfectly incomplete. Let them condemn, imperfections make you unique"