Friday, March 30, 2018

The truths of sex workers

Welcome one and all to the world of Goddess Sydney's words of wisdom

Today I am going to preface this post with the obligatory notation of "not all", since so many choose to argue when it is not stated.

Sex workers are some of the kindest, and most compassionate people that you will ever encounter. Did you already know that? I bet not.

Why would I make such a sweeping generalization in regards to sex workers? Well, of course it is based upon my own experiences, and notice of behaviors. In society you will see that sex workers are looked upon with scorn and ridicule. They are treated as lesser beings. It is assumed that they must be intellectually and morally inferior to the rest of human beings, which in my estimation is doing them a horrible disservice. 

It is often presumed that sex workers are 1 or more of these things

1)sex addicts 
2)besieged with Daddy issues
3)come from an abusive background
4)are trafficked  
5)emotional or physical masochists 
7)drug addicted
8)diseased(physically or mentally)
10)meat for the male market
11)sans human emotions
13)of no worth
14)suffer from decreased or non-existent self esteem
15)less than human

I point you now to my previous prefaced statement.

The sex workers that I know, are far from being clinically diagnosed as sex addicts, most do not suffer any type of mental disorder, nor are they haters of men. They entered sex work to achieve their financial goals, not unlike those of you who opt for a non-sexual career. They are the ones calling for safe sex practices, unlike the general populace of males contacting them asking for bareback action. They generally possess a love of self, and value their services as being of worth, which is why they charge fees. 

Sex workers are very human, and on a more basic level than most, for they see the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly aspects of their clients day in, day out. They serve as substitute mother figures, therapists, confidantes, and lovers. 

They are the first ones to step up and speak out about injustice. They support charities and fellow sex workers, sans having a personal stake, or expectation of receiving rewards for their actions. They are in fact a hell of alot better than the majority of males who contact them. They are educated, and able to entertain conversation at above par levels. They are savvy business women. They are success driven individuals with strong work ethics. Don't believe me, well than take a moment to read the social media of most sex workers. I have seen many of them helping each other out,without gain. They do not require being shamed into acting like a decent compassionate human being, the polar opposite of the clients in the sex work scene. If anyone should feel guilt, it is the males who fail to stand up for these wonderfully creative, and resilient women.

Let's flip this script, and look to the average male who contacts a sex worker for services.

1)They treat women as if they are merely a pair of tits, a wet pussy, and an available ass. (Wow, hmm kinda sounds like they are the ones dehumanizing, and attempting to knock someone's self worth)
2)They ask, request, demand unsafe sexual practices (sounds like someone looking for an std)
3)They feel free to threaten violence when a sex worker denies them time or attention (misogynist much)
4)They believe it acceptable practice to send unsolicited dick pics (did you know that it is illegal to sexually harass someone)
5)They attempt to barter, and haggle over prices to the point of shaming sex workers for charging for their services

It is time to stop marginalizing sex workers. They are a group comprised of strong willed women, who play an integral part of humanity, so stop treating them as if they are intellectually, and morally challenged. Show them the same respect you would expect to be accorded, and if you truly are an ally to them, than speak out against those that are attempting to squash their voices!

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