Saturday, March 24, 2018

Life is simpler when your aspirations become less complex

Welcome all followers to the slice of sphere where my word is sacrosanct 

This is your school where you will learn to serve a purpose greater than yourself.

This is your church where you will learn to worship and look beyond the material desires of man.

This is your home where you will find peace and comfort in knowing that you were created for something worthwhile.

Your male mind is polluted daily with notions which serve no use, other than to glorify the toxic patriarchy.  You have been brainwashed into believing that you are greater than women, that your will is of more noble design than theirs, that you are essentially elevated above women by virtue of being born with a penis. Your mind is a chalkboard filled with erroneous facts, which must be wiped clean. 

If the seed of desire for your evolution was not within you, than you would not be here now reading my words, and absorbing my direction. You want to change. You need to change. You must change.  I propose the steps you should tread, but if your mind is not cleared of the chaos imbued through repetitious patriarchal programing, than you will fall flat, and fail in your purpose.  Do you want to fail? Do you want to be a failure in this lifetime?

Where does change begin? It begins one assured step at a time. Begin by eliminating one selfish thought per day. Simple yes? Easy yes?  Try this for 1 week, and share with me your progress. Tell me how you have began your journey towards absolution for your sins of selfishness.  On the second week, eradicate one selfish act per day. Just one action. Surely it will not even impose upon you that very much. I mean, what could it hurt? Share with me what action you relegated to the bin of banishment. Try this for 2 weeks, and see if you are able to gain a better perspective of what it means to alter your life towards a selfless existence.

Onto the next step. Go through your clothing closet, and donate the items that you have not worn in a year's time. Not your underwear though, because that is beyond disgusting, just throw those away! Giving is receiving, and by donating you are aiding others, while encouraging the growth of selflessness within yourself.  After the purge of unused clothing, move onto your other possessions. Do you need trinkets, and items gathering dust in your living space? Freeing yourself from the burden of their ownership will be like a breath of fresh air literally. Clutter is not conducive to a simple life. You do not need to own items that serve no use. This step involves a bit more effort, but not so very much that you cannot accomplish it within a a couple of weeks.

After all of this, I want you to take some time and pontificate upon how your life has changed at this point. You are freed from one daily act, and thought of selfishness, and you have reorganized your space to efficiency.  Do you feel better about yourself? Do you see yourself as more productive, giving, and of use? Change can feel so very good, if you just give it a chance. 

The bigger and more complicated steps will come next, but those I will save til you are ready to embark upon them.

Remember, one step at a time!

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