Monday, March 19, 2018

Realistic unselfishness in a totally self absorbed society

Welcome to my strand of the net....

Have you as a male ever seen me preach about the virtue of being less selfish in submissive service? If you are a first time visitor to my blog, than it is unlikely, but if you are a regular follower of mine, you could not legitimately deny it.

I have spoken of the importance of relinquishing self serving agendas from day one. It is both significant, and a requirement of providing essential service in a femdom relationship. How would you possess any reasonable expectations of your efforts being recognized as of value, if your focus remains internal? You cannot. 

Serving in submission to a dominant woman is both a blessing and a curse so to speak. A blessing, in that it forces you purge yourself of the curse of male entitlement. I realize that many of you even fail to recognize that you believe yourself to be entitled, but I am here to flash it before your face. 

You live in a society where women continue to be thought of (even if only subconsciously) as possessions of males and extensions of their prowess. This mentality is in direct opposition of the definition of femdom, which is why so many of you fail in your attempts to actually get to the down and dirty, nitty gritty aspects of servitude to women. 

You walk around day in, day out believing in your core of beliefs that men are owed by women. That on some basic level, women owe you their sexuality, and their submission to your designs. This is a debilitating, and destructive set of ideals. No doubt some of you are crying out "not me", or "not all men"....but it is ALL men. Now I am not inferring that some men are not further along the journey to freeing themselves from this misogynistic ideology than others, but I do question if any man is ever totally freed from the ingrained chains of it.

In order to effect change, one must be willing to alter themselves to the point at which they wish to see others emulate. You must begin to ask and answer difficult soul searching questions, such as

1)Do you truly want to serve women, or is your agenda to serve predicated upon your desire to have your desires met?
2)Must you receive in order to give? If so, your giving is not selfless.
3)Is your offer of servitude confined to the activities where you are likely to gain gratification?
4)Is your servitude based upon your level of physical attraction to a woman? If so, would you imagine it fair to say, that you are objectifying her for your personal preferences?

I will not stretch your mind with further ongoing queries today, but those 4 should push your comfort level down a notch. 

My goal is for you as submissive male, is to take a hard look at your motivations in service, and to see what drives you to submit. If that motivation is based upon selfishness, you are not truly submitting, but rather attempting to role play it, and that is not beneficial in the long run, for you are failing to fully submit. Sure, are getting off to the idea of submitting, but you are bypassing the deeper meaning of the submissive experience, and that is where the beauty of femdom lies. 

To the troglodytes in the back row, I am going to break this down to the simplest level possible. Selfish=bad Selfless=good. 

Til next we speak, poppets
Goddess Sydney

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