Friday, October 5, 2012

service vs serving

Today I speak out to clear up a misconception that is rampant throughout the scene.

Dominant women do NOT chase down males for tribute or service. The only females that stoop to such levels are instadommes.

It is my opinion that the miscomprehension stems from confusion upon the definition of findom and service. There are ladies that offer services through certain clip and cam sites whom do take requests and such, but what you should note is that these ladies are offering a service which defines you as a customer, not a sub/slave that personally serves them, so unless your Domme has required that you purchase her clips, you are in fact not serving anyone other than the endowment between your thighs.

Never expect to approach a dominant lady as if you are the boss just because you are offering tribute, for that is the most expedient way to receive the proverbial bitch slap down.You are not purchasing her as you would a horse at auction. Tribute is an offering of appreciation which should be given willingly without any thought of gain other than her pleasure. At no time do you act as if she owes you anything due to your tribute.

There appears to be a trend of behavior that is shockingly poor amongst many of the males in the scenes these days, which is namely within the realms of being outright disrespectful. A male in the findom scene is not now nor ever will be the "BOSS" in the exchange. They may say that whomever holds the money, holds the power, but in reality the truth is quite the opposite. Crudely put, whomever owns the kitty controls the cock.

The type of males that I have personally dealt with which engage in this abhorrent behavior are in fact not subs, nor slaves, but most certainly are fetish boys here to get a nut off. They are pay for play pukes that top from the bottom with their $. What they need to realize is that money means nothing to a dominant woman who has no need of it. The idea of males controlling ladies with their wallet is not going to fly in findom. If you are one if the y chromosome types that dabble in the scene using your $ as a tool, then you need to stick to service sites or females that are only in it to make a quick buck. I do not deny that you will find a deluge of females chasing you down and overflowing your inbox with outright begging for your $, which is pathetic, for they shame the fine ladies of findom. Merely joining a site will bring you into contact with the types of females that are more than happy to bow down to your dictates for $, so there is absolutely no need for you to approach dominant women wasting their time with your toppy BS.

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