Many of you run through a windfall of emotions prior to working up the courage to speak with a lady, so why ruin it with a few simple words? If you take a moment to just breathe and put thought into your introduction it will possibly save you the possibility of being seen as merely another boy in a long list.
Be original. Compliments while lovely, are simply not enough, we have heard them all, and they will not capture attention. What will make you stand out among the throng of males in the fetish you ask. Simple. Be polite, and when you send an introduction note include a tribute, no I am not telling you to break the bank, but nothing screams out that you are a male of serious intent like a lovely tribute does.
Do your homework prior as to how the lady wishes to be addressed so as not to offend her, and include some details such as how you came across the ladies information, and exactly what it was that enticed you to contact her. Do not over share your personal desires! Details pertaining to such are better saved until you are asked per the lady about your fetishes and such.
Your missive need not be over long as a lady receives numerous messages daily, so keeping it short and sweet is to your advantage, so long as it is not a one liner. Most importantly be respectful, and free of any indications that you have expectations of her. Remember that you are meant to be a source of pleasure to her...and no I do not mean sexually, so keep your hands on the keyboard when composing correspondence.
Most ladies are extremely busy, therefore do not become agitated if you do not hear back from her immediately...although if you have enclosed tribute as I advised, then you will receive contact from a Domme more quickly than a message without it. To be honest a great many will not go out of their way to speak with you if you cannot be bothered to or even afford a modest tribute. Standing out means taking a chance, and if a small tribute seems like too much of an expenditure, then you are most likely not meant for the findom scene.
To quote a famous saying "carpe diem" meaning gather your courage and instead of lurking, introduce yourself!
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