Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Out with the old

The annual purge has began :0

At the onset of each new year in the realm of online domination I examine my progress and goals for the future,which means that I must eliminate that which is essentially dead weight dragging me under or behind. Sites,people,and approaches which do not further my own interests or enrich my life are eliminated,in order to make room for positive change. Is this personal,yes and no. If a male has had no positive impact on my life,of course I am going to nix him from the mix,that only makes sense,yes? Time is precious,and I choose not to waste mine on useless endeavors,and males who do not benefit my existence.

To be perfectly honest,I had deeply questioned whether I desired to continue with online domination. Keen disappointment was felt in regards to a lack of appreciation displayed towards myself during the holidays this year from online males. Instead my happiness was derived from my real time boy who ensured that I knew he truly lives for what makes me smile,and that gave rise to the question of leaving the scene,for why would one stay where they are obviously not wanted?

At this point I have decided to spend more time on me,doing what makes me happy..posting when I feel like it,rather than feeling as if I have to be constantly visible online in order to build my brand. I will spend my time where it benefits me most..with ME lol,and of course I will continue to strengthen the bond I have with my brat. This does not mean that I am not open to enlarging my stable of serving males,merely that it is going to take someone quite special to catch and capture my attention online. I am a firm believer of effort paying off,and the lackadaisical being left behind,so if you want to exist in my range of vision,than you will have to work for it.

Onto the aspect which is personal. If you are a male that has been in contact with me,and failed to tribute towards my birthday or Christmas,you are now dead to me. No second chances,no forgiveness given. You have shown yourself to be selfish,and inconsiderate of my happiness,so you are dead weight,and consigned to the land of never never. Ah it feels tremendous to toss away the negativity of you and your lack of action!

On a positive note,I have joined a new gym,and am really digging how dragging my ass in there everyday is growing my pleasure in the sheer life affirming benefits of it. I have smiled more since making these decisions,and absolutely look forward to what this new year will bring me :)

In conclusion,I am leaving in my wake a couple of photos for you to drool over and worship,why,because I can,and because it makes me happy to do so

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