Thursday, January 26, 2017

Initial FinDom tribute

Gents I get asked all of the time "how much should I send?". This question gets old very quickly. I understand that some of you are new to FinDom,and unsure of how you should go about things including tribute,so I am going to help you out :)

Timewasters are notorious for asking the question listed above,so anytime it is posed to me,a red flag goes up,and I become suspicious of your motivations immediately. Now I know that you do not want to start out on a bad foot with me,so let's get you past this shall we,and leave the shady for the shady.

Some Dommes will spell out clearly how much is an acceptable amount for a initial tribute,and some do not. You can get an idea of what will please here if you do your research. Look to what tributes she posts,or boasts about. As a rule I would say that if you are playing it cautious,than no less than what you would pay for drinks at a nice locale(not McDonalds). The amount should not wipe out your checking or savings account,well atleast not unless you are a starving artist. The point being that the initial tribute sets the tone,and expectations,so if you cheap out,than she is going to assume that you are either A)broke or B)a scrooge,and both are undesirable in FinDom.

I will be upfront with you right now,and I do not give a fig for whose pool I piss in by saying it,$10 is NOT a tribute. It is an insult. You may be a down on your luck type,to whom $10 is alot,but c'mon now,you know that it is not going to cut mustard. I cannot speak for other Ladies personally,but I myself earn a rather nice salary,so when you hit my inbox with less than $50,I am not going to be impressed. Tribute is meant to be a sacrifice,and sacrifices are meant to hurt. Note that I mentioned it should not break the bank though.

Think of it like this. You are investing in her attention. It is not unlike going out on a first date. Would you try to impress a woman by taking her to pizza hut? I hope not,or you will not be getting a second date. Base your initial tribute upon what you would be out of pocket if you had taken her to a nice restaurant,instead of what you spend at the local starbucks. With that and the proper submissive approach,you just might do quite well :)

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