Tuesday, February 13, 2018

FinDommes are not real Dommes

Welcome,welcome,welcome to the domain of Goddess Sydney

I am a betting woman, and I bet that many of you ended up here, thinking that I was going to rant about FinDommes not being "real" Dommes, but you were mistaken. 

FinDommes get trashed a hella lot in the bdsm arena. By who?

1)"lifestyle" submissives
2)Lifestyle Dommes
3)"Dominant" males
5)Site owners
6)Vanilla folks
7)broke males
8)entitled dudes
9)Even Pro-Dommes sometimes do it

You get the gist yes?

Tons of people have entered into online fetish play over the last few of years, and continue to keep coming like a tidal wave, sweeping clean away what once was, and redefining it by their desires, regardless if it is safe, sane, or correct. The prevailing thought, is that bdsm = sex. It is all about being tied up, tied down, and jacking, sucking, or fucking a dick. The scene always ends the same as a porn flick. Yup yup, bdsm is all about getting off.

Now I want you to add MONEY into the equation. Hmm this is gonna muddy things up a bit, so let's shine some light on it shall we? 

These are the opinions, and accusations hurled...

1)If money is involved, you ARE a prostitute
2)If money is involved, you are not doing it for fun, cause fun=free
3)If money is involved, you are NOT a real Domme, cause Dommes dominate for the fun of getting random dudes dicks off
4)If money is involved, than they better get their money's worth from a woman, or else!

Did you know that money rules the world? I realize that we all would like to believe that fairy tale about love overcoming all, but let's get real. Money makes the world go round. Money ensures that you have a roof over your head, food in your belly, and a pot to piss in. Money provides you the power to do the things you want to do. Money allows you to enjoy luxuries. Money is life, and without it, you would be homeless, hungry, and shitting on the sidewalk. Think about it, how desperate would you become to acquire money to feed, clothe, and house yourself? I can imagine the depths you would go to!

Do you see now, how important money is? This is exactly why money is so very powerful. You cannot live without it. You need it as much as the air you breathe, or the food you eat. So, sure you wanna offer up your dick for cbt, or your ass for a pegging good time, but when it comes to relinquishing something that equates to a true power exchange, you balk, and you bitch, cause for you, it all becomes very farking real when you have to sacrifice something of real worth. FYI (no one wants your dick or ass).

Most of you don't really want to be dominated, and are the furthest thing from submissive, and yes we all know it, which means that you should be the very first one to offer up tribute, cause paying for your pleasure has always been, and always will be the decent thing to do, and if you cannot stomach being a proper male, than I advise you to straighten up, and find a kinky girlfriend who will get your rocks off for free, but we all know that it is going to cost you one way or another lol!

Back to FinDommes. Do you know that it takes effort, drive, and determination to last in findom? Did you get the memo detailing that we are real human beings with morals and everything. Did you hear the whisper that FinDommes care about their submissives, and that they train them to their preferred style of service just like free Dommes do? Had you ever read that tributing is a form of appreciation for the time and attention that FinDommes bestow upon submissives? Can you imagine wanting to make a woman smile by giving her a gift, just as she gifts you with her dominance? Pretty freaky huh?

No matter what you have heard, or been led to believe, FinDommes do dominate their submissives. In fact,  I have seen some awesome, and even some holy shit videos of finsubs being dominated by their owners. The only difference between lifestyle Dominas, and FinDommes is the MONEY. Well that, and most lifestyle Dominas are seeking out a life partner, a kinky bf, a fetish lovin hubby, whereas very few FinDommes are looking for that type of 24/7, but I highly doubt that the majority of you males are even hoping to plunge into that depth of commitment. So, if you are calling a FinDomme a faux Domme  because of MONEY, well you would be 100% farked up. It is just another form of power exchange, and believe me when I say that money means more to a woman than your dick or ass.

Now that you have been schooled, let's can all the BS please. A Domme is a Domme is a Domme, and all are real in the eyes of the males they own, so if you cannot be nice, stay in your own lane, and staple that mouth :)

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