Monday, December 28, 2015

Misunderstood and maligned

Findom,findom,findom...what is this fetish? That is me putting it kindly,for many from the outside looking in do not even deem findom a fetish at all. They claim it to be a scam where money hungry women prey upon hapless and helpless forlorn for attention little male souls. What they fail to do is actually delve far enough into the scene to see exactly what occurs though.

There is more than one type of male present in the findom realm. First we have the "player",now the player is out to get a nut off. He will finesse and finagle,barge and bulldoze,even lie his way into the inboxes of any female he sees,hoping for just a few precious seconds to bust out his weeny. Does this sound like a male who is being taken advantage of...surely not. He is more like a greedy gutless wonder of nature. Kinda difficult to take advantage of someone who is so focused on their own sexual gratification that they cannot have a care for the wants of others presiding over their own. Oh and just in case you did not notice,some of these types even mask themselves as male doms. Ever see the profiles of males claiming to be dominant whose only dialogue is about females getting them off? Yup them. To them bdsm is ALL about sex,and having their sexual wants met. Hmm who is using who there?? Some of you should don your capes and rescue those poor souls being used in such a manner.

Next we visit needy nellie just might be the one who needs the aid of those who sympathize with what they call "victims". nellie is a black hole of need,someone,anyone pay attention to me. I don't care if it is good or bad,just lemme leech some of your time,cause my need is paramount to anything else in your life. I will message you 50 times a day,even if you do not respond,and lord help you if you do,cause I talk more than long lost friends gossiping on the phone. Secretly I need a kick in the ass,cause I never outgrew that phase of childhood where the whole world revolved around please please please,rescue me!

Onto slutty sam. Hey hey I am mister fun guy. I am the life of the party. I cannot commit for one reason or another,so I flit from box to box,smelling the lovely aroma of all the beautiful belles of findom. I am generally a nice guy,and do indeed pay for the time and attention I receive,so I bring no harm,unless you get it into your head that I will stick around longer than it takes the sun to set upon a new day. sam needs the aid of no one,for eventually he will find the box where he finally settles down. He just wants to have some fun along the way,and definitely does not require a hero swooping down and carrying him far away from the evil schemes of cash grubbers.

The last type I am going to speak about(not that there is not more types though,just that my fingers are cramping :) is george the gent. Now george is a male who sees what it means to serve. He cannot conceive of a complete life that does not include being of service to a woman. He knows that he was born for such,and embraces it fully in a healthy manner. He craves only to please,and does so by gifting a woman with his finances. He has no qualms about ensuring that the Lady he has chosen to serve receives his best,and spending his excess of cash upon her is his way of contributing to her life in a positive manner. Wow he must need help. How dare women persuade and con males such as george into thinking that he is not born by his sex into the entitlement of a woman's attention just for the fact that he possesses a male member in his pants. How horrid is she to believe that her time is valuable,and should only be spent with those that truly appreciate it!! You best call out the bdsm police on her.

In conclusion I am NOT stating that there are not some women in the scene that do take advantage of males,or push beyond limits,but they are not the norm,so by painting all with the same brush,you are in essence displaying your own ignorance of the reality of findom...and who truly wants the world to know that they are lacking in intellect hmmmm?

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