Sunday, February 28, 2016

Worship my sexy socks with your wallet. Send tithe(amazon gift cards) to GODdess today(

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The blissful beauty of being at the feet of GODdess
Thank you to my brat boy for yet another cute pair of socks for my sexy peds!

One question gents,what have you done for ME lately? If your answer is nothing,then get off your can and tithe GODdess today. Gifts every day makes GODdess hapay :)

Thursday, February 25, 2016

GODdess creates within you a new spirit,one which seeks only to serve. Reborn,remade. No longer a man,redesigned as a neutered slave. Dicks are like rancid pieces of meat,poisoning the minds and dispositions of males. It is best to cage that putrid abomination up,and hope it falls off from lack of use.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

You are but dirt beneath the feet of GODdess. Created to cater to my whims and wants. Now serve your purpose and render unto GODdess what belongs to her.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Taboo no no

A sure way to get blocked!
Do NOT come at me with incest fantasies!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Feeding the troll

One word=DON'T

Feeding a troll serves absolutely no purpose. I have seen on differing sites where males post up pics of that nasty useless dangler between their legs,and females will instantly comment with some sph or whatnot with what I believe the motivating thought of "oh if I comment on their wanger,they will serve me",guess what,they won't! The only reason the photo was posted in the first place was to feed that male's fetish,whether it be for exposure,or the hope of free humiliation,which has just been delivered to him gratis. With every single negatory comment, he is stroking that putrid piece of meat til he spews,and all without serving anyone but his pecker. When it is all said and done,he walks away grinning like a cheshire cat,while you don't even realize that you have been played.

Another tactic is a post stating "I bet no one can make me submit"..tossed out like a double dog dare..ya know that reverse psychology shit don't ya? One would think that it would not work,but it does surprisingly. If you have to force someone into submitting to you,then they really aren't submitting at all. You are playing their game,and they are the winner in this equation.

"I am looking for a dominant"..this is the laziest bit I ever see. If a male was truly seeking to serve,he would get off his dead ass,do his research,and reach out to a Domme whose interests align with his,rather than posting a random advert in the hope that women will flock to him. The funny part being is that this scheme does produce results. A male's inbox will fill up after such an action,but why? Why encourage laziness? A lazy submissive,is a worthless submissive! This is the type who will expect you to work for him,instead of him serving you,so why bother?

"I have money to spend" This is definitely complimentary isn't it? It is a carrot,and you are the mule straining at the bit for a non-existent treat(money). This type has no intention of tossing peanuts your way,but he will keep it up just to see you dance for his amusement. Does it work,YUP. I have seen it time and time again. I will admit that this little scenario does not achieve success from experienced Ladies who have learned the hard way,but it does snag the newer females coming into the scene,and this type of male knows that it does. He is a schemer serving his own personal purpose,he will NOT serve you,so do not waste your precious resource called time upon his antics.

You are so beautiful,you are so hot,you are wonderful etc...this is the habitual troll of compliments. Compliments do not cost a single cent,and he can dole them out all day long,and even get responses. Now when you see a male who tosses compliments out like candy at a parade,beware,for it is highly unlikely that you will receive any type of service from him other than lip service..and unless you are suffering from low self-esteem,this serves no purpose other than him getting attention. Do you need compliments that badly? Dominant women know that they are da shit,they do not need anyone to tell them so.

So now that you know,when you see that troll,you can just say NO. No I will not feed him,nor his fetish :)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Learn from others mistakes

Today I am going to address a comment I received,and provide you boys with yet another example of what not to do..aren't I a peach ;p

Comment:Why haven't you posted any photos lately Response:I post photos when I am pleased,ergo obviously you boys are not making a concentrated effort to please,therefore you receive no photos. Lack of action equals my negative reaction duh! Next.

Onto the example. A male contacts me,he wants to be one of my best uh huh...we all know that becoming one of my favorites does not occur overnight,and it requires work work work. For some deluded reason this male believes that compliments sway me(they don't)..most times compliments merely deter me from speaking to you. Compliments are tossed out like candy at a parade,thereby losing any type of actual meaning for me. Seriously if you are telling 20 different women how beautiful they are,then how special should the recipients feel??? Not to mention that you are objectifying them verbally,whilst you are obviously undressing them mentally. Appearances do NOT matter. I gather that I must be the bearer of bad news,but looks fade with age,and I damn sure do not want to be basing the success of my life,nor the value of my person upon an asset which is guaranteed to depreciate in time. Ya I know you are sitting there thinking blah blah blah.

Okies so said male sends a tribute of $20(after 2 weeks of interaction) right! Yup then tells me that he is going on an expensive vacation with his GF hmmmm. Should I feel like a special snowflake..doubt it. I am not a monkey on the street begging for peanuts. Now some of you are going to say,"but hey he sent you $20"..the amount is not the point,the point is that you tell me that you want to be one of my best,yet you refuse to sacrifice for me. How do I know that this was not a sacrifice for him,well simple. I ascertained in the onset where he worked,his position,then googled the salary for that position,and guess what,when I converted it from pounds to dollars,it placed him in the middle class bracket of income,yet here he afford an expensive vacation,but I the one he claims that he desires to serve is sent $20 and told to buy something nice with it. Now that was the pisser. You cannot even get free shipping on amazon with that amount,so I gather that I am to make up the extra huh..not happening bub.

Now some of you may believe that I am angry with adam,but truly I am not. He is not the first,nor do I believe that he will be the last who attempts to provide lowball service,but you dear readers should learn something from this example. Never tribute less than you would be out for pocket for a nice date. Now no you are not going to be dating me,but you definitely want to display that you appreciate my time. If you cannot manage to accomplish that,then sit on the sidelines and worship from afar quietly,never bothering me with your presence.

Lesson of the day boys,display your appreciation,not with words,but with appropriate actions.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Good boys give in to FEMGODdess demands

Gratitude should be given with every tribute sent. It is a blessing to have your gift accepted by FEMGODdess.

FEMGODdess wants to order her fitbit today..chop chop on sending amazon gift cards to

A mere $150 amazon gift card to make FEMGODdess smile…beg to be a part of my happiness!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2 positions open

Goddess is back from a much needed break,let the celebrations begin lol

Those of you that have been a disappointment are hereby dismissed(you know who you are).

Goddess will be considering taking upon herself the training of 2 new males,ones who she deems worthy of her consideration. No games,no flowery compliments,just well mannered servitude,servitude that is freely given,not wrested from one. One that displays appropriate appreciation for the time and notice of a Goddess.

1)Must be willing to serve selflessly(that means no selfish motivations)
2)Must be able to serve financially(that means no broke males,nor those who harbor the belief that real Dommes do not accept gifts of adoration from their supplicants,so NO offering everything to Goddess except finances. That is NOT acceptable)
3)Must possess above average intelligence and communication skills(no dummies for Goddess)
4)Must possess the time necessary to interact with Goddess atleast once a day,even if only to remit a brief message of well wishes for the day.(To set the record straight,NO you cannot dwell with me,nor be granted the title of BF or husband,and absolutely you will NEVER receive sexual favors from Goddess)
5)Need not ask nor expect to receive any compensation for service ie..sessions,sexting,or joi...and absolutely do not begin by asking for my Skype addy tsk tsk
Goddess rewards how she sees fit,when she desires to,and how she wishes,and decides solely if it  has been earned.
6)You will not suffer from a sense of entitlement(Goddess owes you NOTHING) Your tribute grants you NOTHING.

I will not make it easy for you to earn your way into my good graces. You will work for it. Your money cannot purchase my collar,nor my time. You will tribute though,and why is it that you will tribute,quite will tribute because you adore me,because you crave to ensure the ease of my life,because you need nothing more than my happiness. I will forcefully take nothing,but you will willingly give everything to earn my smile. You will dance attendance upon my will,and shape yourself to my way of thinking.

Think yourself the gentleman for the position of servant to FEMGODdess,then tarry not your reply,but do so knowing that you meet or exceed the requirements listed above.

Monday, February 15, 2016


Yesterday was Valentine's Day. A day created to spoil and gift the one whom you hold in high and affectionate accord..yet not a single male online sent a gift nor a wish for a happy day to me,which created a maelstrom session of thoughts within myself. It led me to pontificate if I truly desire to expend my energy in such a way that leaves me bereft of appreciation for my attention,for my willingness to share guidance and encouragement,heck even for the wisdom of education I relay within the blogs I I found myself questioning my own future intentions in regards to remaining within the online fetish scene.

I have watched the scene evolve into what it is today,and honestly I am disgusted and discouraged by what my eyes behold. Self-service has saturated what was once a thing of beauty. I no longer see nor encounter males who come merely to serve the will of women,but instead lament the proliferation of those who seek to rule from the bottom where their wants are paramount,worse yet,it has became common and acceptable for males to actually call the shots,believing that their money allows them to make the rules in findom...and this is exactly what they receive. Findom is no longer recognizable as findom.The blame cannot be solely set at the feet of males though,for if it were not allowed,then it would not occur.

Perhaps I am rambling a bit :) What I wanted most to relay is that I am taking a couple of days away from online in order to decide if I want to make a permanent break from the online scene where I feel that I am not appreciated at all,to concentrate my focus on those that truly have a care for my happiness. Of course I will continue to be available via my personal email to those that I hold in esteem during this break :)

I hope that all enjoyed their Valentine's day!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

How can a male's life possibly have any meaning without guiding cannot,and doesn't.

The solution to seeking meaning and purpose,is to surrender to the will of .

Your actions are meant to glorify ,and glorifying requires manifesting your intent with money.

Friday, February 12, 2016

absorb and embrace the dictates of FEMGODdess

Complete obedience to the will of FEMGODdess is a sacrament within your life.

Disobeying the commands of FEMGODdess is sacrilegious.

Punishment for disobedience is consignment to hell,with hell being the denial of attention from FEMGODdess.

The desires of FEMGODdess cannot be superseded by the wants of man.

Thursday, February 11, 2016


That is my question to you. Are you ready,willing,and able to serve?

Many of you of course are going to sound off in the affirmative without hesitation,but I doubt the validity of that statement. Experience has taught me that few even realize what it actually means to submit truly. They have watched a few movies,or clips(written and produced by fellow males),and suddenly they are experts upon the subject of submission,and that is laughable. Submission is more than an action,it is a lifestyle mindset. It is not a romp in the bedroom that gets you off. It is not about the objectification of women's bodies for the carnal pleasure of men. Do you honestly believe that submission is based upon the submissive merely engaging in sexual activities for their own gratification? Do you think that it is the duty of a dominant to make all of your perversions and fantasies a reality? If you are nodding your head verbalizing yes,yes,yes...than you need to dunk your dick in a bucket of ice,and wake up to what submission really means.

Being ready means that you have worked though any issues of entitlement,and self proclaimed me me me ego mentalities. That you are at a stable stage mentally and emotionally. That you are prepared to fully engage in submission,rather than hits and runs at it. That you have researched what it means to give your submission into the hands of another. That you are making this decision with mental faculties rather than physical endorsements. It is a matter of your mind saying "I want,I need this in my life",not your dick straining at the bit chasing tail.

Willing to serve..hmm this becomes problematic for those that come with that entire "I must be forced" attitude and approach. The willing need NOT be forced into doing what it is that they truly want. They require no coercion,no screaming out "get on your knees bitch". They are supplicants who recognize their place in a woman's world,and run to embrace it. The notion that one must be cowed into obedience is pathetic. Expecting a dominant to hahaha force you into their will(undeniably undisguised as your own wants) is your own selfish desires,and there is NO room for the obsession of serving yourself in service.

The ability to serve hinges upon the circumstances in your life. If one is married,then obviously there will be snags,but not ones that cannot be overcome if the dominant so desires. If you are unable to be available to a dominant any other time then when your cock is cork full seeking release,then that is a definite issue. One must be able to devote a portion of their time to their dominant. Yes we all have lives,but if you cannot even take the time to make your dominant aware each day that they are in your thoughts,then no you are not able to serve. I know that it is difficult to wait until your life has settled,and you are able to bring your best service to the table,but the experience will be all the more rewarding to both dominant and submissive if you are patient.

Cheers to those that really are ready,willing,and able! May you find your dreams,desires,and destiny encapsulated within the dominant form soon :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Reality of Ruination

Fantasy smantasy is what some say when it comes to ruination. Ruination is as serious as a heart attack when becomes reality.

Now when I first ventured online,I connected with a sweet little married sissy who liked to play around with the ruination fantasy. I of course recognized that it was purely a fantasy,and that this sissy did not desire to be ruined in reality,so we played in the shallow end of that pool. Sissy would send pics that she definitely did not want to get out in public,then gift me because she knew I would keep her secrets,yet delight when I teased her about logging into her fb acct(no I never did that,and never would have). As a sadist perhaps some would believe that I would jump at the chance to apply such delicious life changing pain,but to me I seek first to create no permanent damage when playing with my puppets. If you seriously ruin a person,then you have lost a valuable asset,and source of amusement. I am no masochist,so I play nice and keep my puppets in working order :)

Unfortunately little sissy had issues with commitment,and ran away to play in another sandbox,and what do you think happened? I bet you guessed correctly. Sissy engaged with one that did not see it for a fantasy,and instead brought all her secrets into the glaring harsh light of day. A case of actions and undesirable reactions. Sissy lost her high paying position teaching,her home due to loss of income,and it destroyed her marriage,so sissy ended up alone,and spoke of suicide. I cannot tell you dear readers what has happened to sissy,for even though I advised her to seek help for her depression,and encouraged her to make a fresh start,she dropped away to never be heard from again by me,which saddened me(yup I am human,and yes I do care for those that served me).

Ruination is very real,and the repercussions can be catastrophic(yes there is a living breathing person on the other side of that monitor),so please if you are going to venture into it,do so knowing that it could very well ruin a life.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Who are you here for?

Every male in the bdsm scene should ask himself this simple question,who are you here for? It's answer will tell him exactly where he needs to go,but I think that many of you do not pose that query internally. No doubt that a great many of you are new to the scene,and possess no idea of even the basic principles or practices,much less the definition of all the varied fetishes. It is ok to be new,and none should fault you for your interest,so long as you remain respectful in any inquiries you initiate.

Have you ventured in to sate your own desires(it's all about you),and yes that includes serving your penis. Example of what it means to serve your penis=looking for people to get your rocks off(that is self-serving,not submissive) You should not,I repeat should not be seeking out those that expect or demand to be served,you are not for them,and will only waste theirs' and your time. You fit more into the category of a fetishist or perhaps a bottom topper,maybe even a client/customer,so your best course of action is to seek out a service provider(online or in a dungeon),either to purchase a paid session or a cam site where you buy time with a female who will provide for your wants. If you cannot afford or refuse to pay much out of pocket to have your wishes granted,then you can find your way to clip sites customs4u  and iwantclips or phone sex operations niteflirt.This way everyone is satisfied :) **Note:if you are not willing to pay anything,I mean a big fat zero to spew your pecker puke,then you are better off cruising the net for free porn(vine or tumblr won't virus sweep your pc),and stay far away from the bdsm scene**

If you are here to find one to devote your life to,then you will find yourself most welcome with many. Some things that you need to pay attention to are,1)Is it a lifestyle Lady you are hoping to connect with? One where you engage in the lifestyle 24/7,live in,or even eventually marry.
2)Is your life complicated with commitments which deter you from full time service? Always be honest if so. 3)Are you just looking for someone to serve every once in awhile? 4)Are you unable or unwilling to commit to serving a single Lady,and prefer to "slut" around? Sites for you to check into for possible matches are fetlife or collarspace

Now if you happen into my neck of the woods,well then you are in findom country. You may be asking what the crack is findom country lol..well that simply means that you have journeyed into a place where you display your devotion and dedication with your willingness to see to the material comforts of your chosen Lady. It takes a special type of submissive to serve financially,for serving in such a manner is pure servitude. It is a power exchange unlike any other. Money is power in today's world,so to part with it is more meaningful than laying your ass on the line for a whipping. You are giving in a way that impacts your everyday life beyond that of a sore ass,and what a beautiful sacrifice it is. It is not the vulgar crass objectification those who lack understanding would deem it to be. It is life changing. It is focusing your energy on the happiness of another. A selfless giving. To me,that is what submission is meant to be. Submission is not about getting what you want as a submissive(that is a fetishist mentality),rather it is about providing for another's desires period. Sites to check into for possible matches include findoms and elite financial domination

If you are one that cannot grasp the concept of selfless giving,then I advise you to avoid findom all together. Some may say,well how do I know if a Lady is into findom?  DO YOUR RESEARCH!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

New hat from my precious brat boy,who exists solely to make me happy!
I want,and he provides,which is why he is my number 1 boy. The rest of you need to follow his example.
Winter white plush socks fit for GODdess feet! I want more more more!!! Send amazon gift cards to

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

I just say no to illegal activities

This week alone I have already had a few individuals contact me regarding blackmail "play",even though I have ALWAYS been clear in my stance regarding it,so now I am posting this,and will link it to any further future inquiries.

"Extortion is a criminal offence whereby an individual obtains money, goods and services, or desired behavior from another by wrongfully threatening or inflicting harm to his person, property, or reputation. Extortion is a different criminal offense than robbery, whereby an offender steals property through force. Instead, the property gained though extortion is handed over to avoid threatened force or other harm. Extortion involves the victim's consent, but the way in which it is gained is unlawful, and therefore the entire act is considered a crime"

"Blackmail is a common method of extortion. Blackmail is extortion by threatening another person's or organization's reputation with the disclosure of information that would be damaging to that party if released. This incriminating information may be true or false. The actual disclosure of this information does not have to be criminal, nor does the offender have to actually receive money, property, or other benefits for the act to be considered extortion. The act is extortion because the individual demands money, property, or other considerations in exchange for non-disclosure of this information" 

"When a person is charged with extortion it is often considered a felony crime punishable by incarceration, heavy fines, and more. The federal government and all fifty states have laws regarding extortion."

Now many argue that if they give consent to being blackmailed,then it is no longer a crime,but they ARE wrong. Regardless if consent is given,a crime is a crime. For example,I have had delusional beings contact me begging to be killed by my hand through various they are consenting to it,BUT 1)I would never and I do mean never even consider playing along with that type of fantasy,nor the reality of it,and 2)It would still be murder. Does that make sense?
Giving consent does NOT negate legal ramifications,except in the case of kidnapping,which by definition to be truly termed kidnapping one must not have provided agreement to it.

Think about it logically. How easy would it be for one to consent,even go so far as to sign a contract agreeing to it,only to later on become frightened,and then report the blackmailer to the authorities?  Of course going in the "victim" would deny that they would ever do such,but one never knows what they will do when they feel as if they have no options available to them now do they? Remember that fight or flight instincts human beings have,that just may land the blackmailer in prison garb.

One should always assess the risks of engaging in any type of fetish play,especially those that are edgy,and blackmail definitely falls into that category. After all,is your freedom from imprisonment priceless to you,or are you willing to chance it for the possibility of a few bucks? Keep in mind as well,that big brother does work the net too,and perhaps the very person you are speaking with about this fetish works for them. I am not attempting to instigate paranoia with my last statement,merely that I want people to be aware that their actions can carry a stiff sentence in reality.

All that I have relayed above are my reasons for just saying NO,and I expect,nay demand that all who desire to enter my realm respect my limits,just as I respect theirs.