Saturday, November 24, 2018

Worship Luscious Ladies

Has society changed in regards to BBW's
To some degree we have seen change in the way BBW's are treated in the media and general society. The uprising of body positivity and eff the beauty standards have led the way to greater acceptance of non-comformative body beauty. I for one am pleased as punch to see this, and hope that it surges forward in momentum. It is time for the world to cease their hatred lobbying against BBW's. We do have a long way to go though, considering that most still deem it acceptable to bash and trash on larger sized women under the guise of caring about their health, and the better part of the time they do not even bother with that tactic, it is simply a targeted vicious verbal assault. You tell me...why is it unacceptable to judge people according to their color, sex, creed, or religion, but yet body shaming is rampantly active and celebrated?

Who keeps body shaming active and alive
The majority of "fat shaming" is perpetrated by men. Men obviously lack discretion or common sense in relation to acceptable social behavior. The patriarchy for centuries has set and defended their outlined standard for female attractiveness, and either women toe that line, or they will be verbally stoned til they conform. Irony is that the majority of women in this country fail to meet those standards either, which is why the patriarchy employs the media to do the shaming for them. Ads in print, billboards, television, and online all portray a similar body type for women. That image is young, thin with larger breasts, collagen injected lips, long hair, and unblemished skin. You tell me, does the average woman on the street look like what I described? Nope they do not, which is what led to the rise of flourishing cosmetic surgery. Now women can get nipped, tucked, breast enlargements, lip fillers, hair extensions, and lipo to within an inch of their lives.

Body shaming leads to far reaching outcomes
Companies (ran by men coincidentally) will claim that they do not promote unhealthy images for women and young girls just developing their self-esteem, but they are LIARS. Sure they refuse to use models of BBW, or Lord forbid, SSBBW sizes, because that wouldn't be portraying a healthy image, but they have zero issues glamorizing women who are severely underweight, which is "unhealthy" as well. They airbrush and airbrush, and photoshop out all "imperfections", so what is left is barely humanly possible for a woman to attain. This sets a standard that no female can reach without surgical intervention. It that healthy? It is positive for young girls on the threshold of becoming a woman?

The real reason why the struggle continues
Men. Yes they are at fault, but women must step up and accept part of the load, for we have allowed this travesty to continue for way too long. In our quest to be seen as of having value in society by men, we have dieted, purged, went under the knife, just for male acceptance and appreciation. It needs to stop, and I mean right now. We can no longer allow this unfit image of what men call sexy, beautiful, even hot, to poison our sense of self worth. Stop bowing your head in shame when men attempt to malign you with the "FAT" label. Take a stand Ladies please. If not for yourself, atleast do it for the girls coming of age.

What can you Ladies do to affect change
You can call out people when they trash non-conforming body shapes. You can start campaigns to call for non-conforming body types to be used in media advertising. You can refuse to purchase from companies that are not tolerant of BBW's, which will send a strong message, a financial call for them to change. You can personally pledge to never debase women who are larger than you. The change can begin with you, and radiate outward. Be that change! 

How you men can make a difference
STOP shaming women about their weight and body type, just STOP. You have no basis to do so, and no right either. I understand that most of you are not attracted to larger women, and that is ok, but it becomes not ok when you are verbally bashing them. You don't like the way they look, DON'T LOOK at them. It is that simple. And another thing, start calling out your fellow men for their shitty behavior. If you set the example of what is acceptable, others will follow. Do it! You never know gents, someday you yourself may be blessed with female progeny, and you will not want to be the shoulder she is crying on when some inconsiderate asshole shames her for her body type. Chew on that image, and be the change! 

Not my sexy self
I realize that my readers most likely do not come here to read about my views such as this, and prefer to just see the sexy fetish side of me, but if you are seeking to serve me, than you should appreciate all sides of me...which includes my big fat brain and outspoken opinions :) 

As always, amazon gift cards to are always a welcome form of appreciation!

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