Thursday, July 9, 2015

Goddess has returned from vacation...yay for you that divinity will be available to brighten your life once more. My time was spent in utter relaxation with my family,and no I will not be posting photos,as they were shared only with those that contributed to the financial aspects of making this trip possible.

How I adored being back in my small town where you need never lock your doors,or concern yourself if you left your purse in plain sight while strolling downtown. There definitely are perks to small town America...such as beautiful firework displays,people waving as you go by(and no I do not mean the one finger salute)..couples in rocking chairs on their porches,parades with horses,and carnivals with huge corndogs and lemon shake ups!! Just being me was wonderful. No need to cake my face with the civility of make up,or check constantly that every hair was in place. No use for fancy tech or jewels...doesn't that sound amazing?? Trips to the lake,and an amusement park(definitely you should add six flags to your vacation planner).

Alas though,all good things come to an end,so here I am back in the big city. Your job is to scrimp and sacrifice to fund my next trip,so get to it minions! Labor day sounds like the perfect time for a weekend getaway. Plenty of time for you to make it happen.

Onto further news..a sweet little pet has drifted away due to personal issues(they always come back) but he did spoil me aplenty this the tune of $620 in cash and $2400 in amazon gc's(too lazy to post pics of them all,but some of the spoils are on twitter)!! That is orgasmic :) The rest of you better step up your gifting.

Of course my little brat remains as faithful as ever to my happiness by funding my charitable projects,and keeping my lawn tidy,such a good boy. That is the extent of my stable at the moment,and honestly I am not sweating it. My goal was only to ever hold sway over 2-3 boys. Anymore and I would not have the time needed to train them. Drive by cash sluts are always welcome to visit the royal stables,but no permanent lodging :) Since I am rejuvenated and most pleased at the moment,I will be accepting applications for 1 single slot,so let the competition begin. Impress me,woo me,court me with your cash,not your compliments,and perhaps you shall be the honored boy to spend time with a Goddess :)

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